More Spring Work and Kayaking Jenner with Some Fog

Sunday September 8 2013 Jenner CA.

I thought the water spring could use another air vent

Yes, thinking about it last night, I decided to put another air vent in the spring pipe that feeds our water tanks. That’s because yesterday, when I was trying to stop a leak at the top of the pipe, where it comes out of the ground, I found air was trying to get out of the pipe and kept breaking my seal. So, today, I got up and found the pipes to install one. That took some looking around in my junk, ah, parts, to find the right fittings.

I then rode the little four wheeler up the hill and installed the pipe at the main spring head.

Here is a photo of the air vent pipe I installed where the spring pipe comes out of the ground at the spring.springairvent


I also replaced a tee with a smaller version where I was working on the other spring yesterday and then I went on down the hill to the main water tanks to see how much water had built up in the tanks since last night.

This is a photo of our main stainless steel water tanks. There is a little ball gage at the top of the one with all the crud on it, can you see it?watertanks


It’s showing about a foot of water in the tank, which if I remember right, I set it a foot high to fool anyone else looking at it to think it was less, so they might not use so much water, although, I don’t’ think that has slowed them down much. Anyway, I think we built up two feet of water since last night.watetankgage


After that, I headed on home for something to eat and then went on down to Jenner to kayak for the rest of the day, around 1 PM. As I put in, someone taking their boat out said I had picked a good time to come down as the fog was just lifting. It seemed to be waffling around a bit, coming and going, but it was warm and just a slight breeze.

I crossed over to Penny island and passed though the little channel on the east end and crossed over to the south shore of the river and worked my way up.

Some merganser ducks wee sitting in their usual place. Since I pass them a lot, they didn’t seem to be bothered by me much.mergansers


Just past the merganser ducks, the fog was mostly gone, looking up the river past the east end of Penny Island, toward Eagle’s landing.upview


I paddled on up to Eagle’s landing and stayed in that area for a couple hours. You can see the fog hanging down near the town of Jenner, but it was nice and sunny up here so that is where I stayed for awhile.Jennerview


Eventually I paddled on down the back channel of Penny Island and into the fog. The fog wasn’t really that bad, as it was warm and just a slight breeze. This is a photo of the big redwood stump near the west end of Penny Island, a bit on the foggy side.foggyview


There were some seals in the water on the west end of Penny island which I stopped to watch for awhile and then I moved on down to the river’s mouth, where the fog was thick, too thick to get much of a view with the camera.

This photo is looking west out toward the river’s mouth. It’s open, but you can’t see that.mouthfog


I hung around the mouth area for awhile then headed on back to the visitor’s center take out and went on home around five PM.

I’m still real sore from all the work I did on the spring yesterday, so a nap was in order and I mostly didn’t do much the rest of the day, except let my body repair itself. At my age repairing the body takes a whole lot of work, so that was all I could handle for the rest of the day.

Had a nice day riding in the redwood forest and kayaking Jenner.

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