Much Needed Rain Keeps Me In the House Most Of the Day

Thursday April 14, 2022 Guerneville CA.


When I got it going today it was already raining so it would be a in the house type of day.

I did go out when I thought the rain had stopped and hopped on the dirt bike but as soon as I got to the first gate to cross the road I was getting wet from the drizzle so I went back to the house and cancelled that.

Wet chickens

Since it was a rainy day and the chickens weren’t getting out to feed too much I gave them some extra chow in their pen. They do go out in the light rain and get pretty wet but they seem to do ok with that. They are actually pretty wet in this photo.feeding


Roosting chickens

The rain finally let up in the late evening when I went out to close the gates on the chicken’s pen.roost


We are supposed to get some more much needed rain tonight and tomorrow which would be good.

After shutting the chickens in their pen, my neighbor’s cat came by and wanted in the house to get something to eat. I have a dish in there for her which she checks out now and then, mostly because when my neighbors go away for a bit she stays with


It was a pretty lazy day.

Nice day.

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