Mulching, New Car Tires and Some Unexpected Visiting

Thursday November 11, 2021 Guerneville CA.

New tires day

While I was chair hopping around the yard this morning I decided it would be a good idea to put the car’s spare tire on to go to the tire shop to get new tires later today. I wasn’t sure the nail in the tire would hold until l got to the tire shop about thirty minutes away and thought it would be much easier to change it at home with the proper tools than it would be to to it out on the road.

Funny looking spare tire

So I got the jack and the tools out and put the funny looking spare tire on.spare


Finishing up moving mulch

My new tire appointment wasn’t until later in the day so I hauled four loads of mulch to the raspberry patch. That’s about it on the mulching for the year as my brother says he needs the rest of the woodchips for his chicken pens.mulch


So that will do it on the mulch until we get some more from the tree trimmers that do the power lines in our area.

New Tire Time

I did  some more chair hopping and a good nap too and then it was time to drive over to get my new tires here.les


Looking around

I got all signed in and gave them my keys and went for a walk across the big parking lot to Walmart. I went in just to look around a bit and kill some time.

As it was I didn’t buy anything or see anything I needed. I was thinking of walking over to Home Depot but when I went outside to see how far it was, I decided to just go back to the tire place and wait.



They had me all fixed up in just under an hour. I paid and was on my way.

Joe’s place

I was headed home when I went by Joe’s place. I wasn’t planning to stop as it was late but Joe was out on the road so I stopped and we shot the bull for awhile and is neighbor Jonny came by and we shot the bull some more.

Since it was late I didn’t stay too long and drove on home in the dark.

The chickens needed shutting up for the night so I did that and that was it for me today.

Nice day and the new tires ride nice too.

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