Nesting Hens, Spring Work, Strawberries and Tuckered Out

Saturday May 30, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Egg hatcher’s

Once I got it going today I went outside and did my chicken chores and made sure the chicks were doing ok. A hen I set on an egg nest last night had jumped off the nest and left the chicks pen by flying into the spring held door to get out.

Try another hen

Sooooooooooooooooooooo, I went to the egg laying boxes and picked up another hen that wanted to nest and showed her the nest box. She didn’t take to it right away but when I checked later she was on the eggs. I  now have 3  hens sitting on eggs and one hen with 7 little guys and ten new baby chicks from the incubator.

Hard work at the spring

After that I jumped on the dirt bike and rode it up into the hills where my neighbor lives and met him to help work on his spring. It’s an old spring that had stopped giving water and he needed some help digging it up and making it work again. The only problem the digging was much more then he thought it would be as he didn’t know exactly where it was so we dug and dug.

We did find the old pipe and dug some of it up to find the springs. But there’s so  much water we’ll have to put some piping in to drain the water so the springs will show up.springs


We do know the main spring is on the muddy pipe going to the right. That’s because we can hear a lot of water gurgling through the pipe.  We’ll have to finish digging that pipe out about another foot I think.pipes


Wore ourselves out

Good thing my neighbor is a good digger because we’ve really had to work in the mud and wore ourselves out good today. He’s about the same age as me.

We were beat so we quit for the day and I jumped on the dirt bike and had a nice ride towards home.

Stopped for some strawberries

On the way home I was thinking strawberries so I stopped at my brother garden to see if there were any.

Armstrong Valley Farm

I walked through


And over to here. The berries are in the back.garden2


These different types of cabbages are looking good.cabage


Strawberry patch

But I’m more interested in this strawberry patch.berrypatch


I found enough strawberries to satisfy my urges. My brother had just picked most of them so I had to look around a bit.berries


Potato patch

On the way out I went by his potato patches.potatoes


The potato plants are looking good.pots


Tuckered out

From there I rode on home and crashed mostly as I was plum tuckered out from all the digging we did today.

I did check on that hen I put on the nest of eggs earlier in the day and she was still sitting on the eggs so that was good.

Nice day getting some needed exercise and playing in the mud.

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One Response to Nesting Hens, Spring Work, Strawberries and Tuckered Out

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Sounds like a hard working day! With some time playing in the mud.
    Hope the little hen stays on those eggs for you. She seems happy to do it.
    Yum, fresh strawberries. You could make jam!

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