Nice To Have Skiddy To Do Most Of the Work

Monday July 22, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Getting rock

I needed to get some rock to fill this spot in so I can move this shed to a better spot.work1

Tom hauls rock

Tom helped me out by using his tractor to haul rock in our dump trailer to the spot, from here. Skiddy loaded up the rock.rpcl2

He hauled a few loads of rock down to the spot, I was thirsty, so I walked down this trail while he was away delivering the rock to get a drink of water at a spring.trail3

The spring is just past these big redwood trees.trees4

Spring water

I got a good cup of spring water here and walked on back to where Skiddy was waiting to load more rock.spring5

I think Tom hauled six or seven loads of rock and I hauled a scoop full of rock in Skiddy on the return trip back to  my house.loadrock6

Now I needed to smooth the rock out, but first I needed to move the shed a bit to get it out of the way for the work.rock7

But first I needed to move all the stuff out of it for the move, so I got that done.shed8

Skiddy drags the shed

Then I chained Skiddy to the shed with a big chain so I could pull it out of the way. The shed has a steel foundation so it is strong enough to move as that is the way I designed it when I built it, just in case I ever had to  move it, such as now.shed9

I drug the shed to get it out of the way.chained10

That should do it, it’s out of the way now.shed11

With the shed moved it’s now time to level the rock out a bit.piles

I worked on smoothing the rock out and almost have it good enough.rocked13

I’ll work on smoothing it out some more tomorrow and then move the shed back to it’s new spot.leveledup14

Nice day.

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