Paddling Around Garrison Lake And Steve Doesn’t Do Well Fishing

Sunday February 15, 2015 Garrison Lake, Port Orford Oregon

My alternate camp worked out good last night. No disturbances and I sleep well, with little road noise, maybe because it was Sunday morning.

Tonight, I have my old camp back which is about a hundred feet higher than the other camp so the ocean view is that much better.

Once I got it going this morning, I headed on down to where Steve was staying to see what he was up to today.

He said he was going to fish Garrison Lake, but first a little walk out his door  to the Arizona State Beach, about a mile or  so.

We walked through this woods on this trail to get to the beach.trail


We hung around on the Arizona Beach watching the waves for awhile, then headed on back to Steve’s place.

After a break there while I waited for Steve to get all his fishing stuff together, we headed for Port Orford’s Garrison Lake which is in the  middle of town.

There was a little wind when we arrived, but not too bad. We put our boats in here.lake


I followed Steve around the lake while he


People were catching fish on the lake

We went by these two which showed us a big string of fish. They were having fun laughing and giggling.  I guess catching fish does that to you. :O)fishboat


Shortly after that, I noticed a fish spraying near the shoreline and looked over to see these two pulling in a fish. Shortly after, they pulled their stringer out of the water and left. I could barely see what they had, but I could see they had decent fish from the lake.fishon


Those fish looked respectable. They left with their catch as Steve fished away.fishermen


We passed by this crow doing something there, but I know not what, maybe just watching us?crow


As we cruised around the lake, we passed by this old boat house decorated with buoys from the ocean.boathouse


I poked around a bit around the edges as Steve fished away with no luck.lake2


These crows were bathing and drinking water and making a bunch of noise as we went on by them.crows


We also passed this mix of ducks.ducks


A complaining fishermen

Steve wasn’t catching any fish and was complaining about the heat and the guys making noise with their mowers cutting grass, even though it was a beautiful day and around 70 degrees F. I guess that’s what you do when you don’t catch any fish? :O)

Without warning he bee lined it for the take out and took off to the Sixes River. It took me a lot longer to load my boat and get it all together before I could leave to catch up with him.

Steve fishing the Sixes River

Steve fishing the Sixes with no luck.steve


Steve moved up river to another spot and didn’t do much better. He did catch one little trout that he threw back.

I had enough of moody fishermen for one day so I told him I was going to kayak up the Sixes river from the Hughes House tomorrow and go as far as I could. I left and headed for town where I did some shopping and got some gas, then headed down to the Port Orford port to see if anything was going on and it wasn’t. I stayed there for a half hour or so watching the ocean like some other people in their cars.

Nice sunset

The sun was just starting to set as I left the port for my camp area down the road twenty miles or so and I could see it was a real nice sunset as I traveled along the highway headed south.

My old campsite was empty so I pulled in and parked and went outside to take this sunset photo looking out over the Pacific Ocean.sun


Another day messing around the Port Orford area.

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