Paddling Below Monte Rio

Sunday April 13, 2014 Monte Rio, CA.

I started the day working on my car some more. I took things apart and did some cleaning and checking and put it all back together. I’ll test it as I use it. This has been an on going problem and I’m not absolutely sure I’m on the right track, but one thing at a time. The throttle sensor seems to be giving me troubles, which makes the car stumble a bit.

Just after two PM, I decided to go down to Jenner to paddle for the rest of the day, so I headed down there. The car seemed to perform ok, so far.

When I got to Jenner, I could see the wind was up a bit, not real bad, but enough. I was feeling real lazy and thought it’d be nice without the wind, so I headed back to Monte Rio to paddle.

It was a bit breezy at Monte Rio, but not windy, so I headed down stream at a leisurely pace.

These Mallard ducks tried to run me over as I left Monte Rio. No, I don’t have anything to feed ya. The lead duck is a half breed I think.ducks


Then I saw something moving over in the bushes by the shoreline. A pair of wood ducks was sneaking by.wooducks


This is my view just below Monte Rio, heading towards Villa Grande, down as far as you can see.downriver


Some turtles surprised me on a log by the shoreline. Surprised me, because I haven’t seen a bunch of them like this in a long time. Seems they have been scarce this last year for some reason? There are three turtles there and about three more jumped in the water as I approached.turtles


I made it down to the Villa Grande Hole where I took it easy for a bit.

This is my view down river from the Villa Grande Hole…villagrande


A close up of that cormorant on the tree in the upper right of the above picture is below. The tree is rotting away and has some holes near the top.cormorant


I took my time and paddled down to the Sheridan Ranch beach where I sat for awhile before turning around and working my way back up the river. Sheridan Ranch beach is about half way to Casini’s Ranch.

There was a pair of mallards on the Sheridan beach as I passed, just taking it easy, like me.mallards


I continued paddling back up the river.

It was about five thirty PM by now as I started up past the Villa Grande hole which can be seen below looking up the river towards Monte Rio.river


Approaching Monte Rio, there was this pair of Merganser ducks sitting on a gravel bar as I went by. The male is on the left.mergansers


And another wood duck went on by.wooduck


By now, the breeze was dying down as I entered the Monte Rio area, just below the bridge and launch ramp area.monterio


I hung around that area for a bit before going in for the day and went on home. The car still seems to be working OK, but sometimes this problem takes a bit to show up again?

Nice day, I always enjoy paddling in the Monte Rio area.

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