A Day Removing Downed Trees On Roads and Trails In the Forest

Monday February 24, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

Barry showed up in my yard this morning. He was going up into the forest and cut downed trees off the road, so I joined him.


There was a light drizzle, so I got my rain jacket on and I took a chance by not putting on the rain pants and hoped for the best as far as it not starting to rain hard. I was hoping it would let up or stop. It did let up a bit, but never really stopped, especially up on the hill tops.

We rode up this trail on my cousin’s place looking for downed trees.trail1

I took some pictures of each one, then helped Barry throw the stuff off the road.tree2

Barry cutting these ones so we can throw them off the road and get by.trees3

These were some of the larger ones we removed today.trees4

We’d worked on this one a few days ago, so we had to finish the job today.trees5

We made it to the top at our break area. Not much view today, but it was still  nice and we got some rest. A light drizzle was falling.top6

From there we went down to the Talking Trees Trail and removed some downed trees on it to clear the trail.trail7

Here’s one of the trees on the trail that we removed. This trial goes up to our waterfall, but we didn’t make it that far today.tree8

We got back on our bikes and headed for the last downed tree we knew about.trail9

This was the last one. We took care of it and then headed back to my place.tree10

Barry wanted to take some woodchips home so he got this half barrel and started loading it up with woodchips.chips11

He realized he wouldn’t be able to load the barrel into his truck, when full, so he stopped before filling it and put it in his truck and filled it up with a bucket. The chickens were helping him out, not really.hens13

Nice day.

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Going Up To the High Country To Help a Neighbor

Sunday February 23, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Old dirt road

I was going up to help a neighbor that lives in the high country. To get there I drove on up the old dirt road I’ve been working on, mostly to study it to figure out how to improve the bad spots better.

Then I crossed over to the neighbor’s place, up in the higher mountains.

This was the view looking west towards the ocean on the way up. We had a few showers of rain today, before I left my  house, but it stopped for the rest of the day.view1

I wen to Rob’s house where we discussed what he wanted done to his road and we shot the bull some too.

We rode on over to where his main road is slipping out to have look at it and what should be done to fix it up.

After that, we went for a ride around his place.Here’s Rob, saying hi. I’d stopped to get a picture of the view from here.rob2

Looking to the west from one of the highest spots in the area.view3

We went back to is place and picked up his son with his chainsaw and I drove them down a road they want some work done on. They had to cut some trees off the road so we could get by. trim4

Rob’s son Ross, is checking out the big downed redwood log. He wants to cut it up for lumber. That will be a job.log5

I watched and took pictures as they cleared this tree off the road.tree6

We got back in the rig.rig7

But didn’t get far until we got to the next tree that needed cut.tree8

Eventually, we got to the end of that road and turned around and went back to the house where we shot some more bull and made some plans to fix his road.

It was getting late in the day when I left and headed back to our property. I stopped here at this overlook for a bit. Sun’s going down to the west.sky9

Back home, the chickens were waiting to get out the gate and into the front yard, so I opened it for them and we did some chair hopping for a bit.cccccccccccchickens10

The chickens are going out here to graze for bugs and stuff. Fortunately, they don’t eat these daffodils.flowers11

Nice day.

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