Skiddy’s Bumper Upgrade Work and a Ripped Old Culvert

Wednesday September 4, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Skiddy’s bumper upgrade

I was working on this bumper.bumper1

Brace prep

I needed to prep some braces. I needed to scrape some paint off so I could weld them up. First, I had to bolt them on and tighten them up. I already had the braces made and drilled for mounting.

I got them bolted on, one on the right and one on the left on each side of the bumper.braces2

This is the one of the left, ready to weld up, but not today.brace3

Big culvert inspection

After I got that work done, I rode up into the hills and parked on this road as I had something to check out, just up the road a bit.road4

Old culvert

There was an old culvert I thought was three feet diameter, but it turned out to be a six foot diameter one. Here’s the output end of it which I wanted to get down and look inside to see what was going on.end5

It had some rocks and a big piece of wood in it which shouldn’t be there, but I was more interested in the damage at the top, so I had to go to the other end of it.inside7

The input end was fairly torn up from a guy taking out a big stump with a backhoe, but that wasn’t the problem.topend8

I got down inside that end to have a look. There’s the big piece of wood that needs to go.rip9

The big rip

And there is the big rip put in there by a grader guy that messed the culvert up with his grader many years ago and that is the problem. He ran his grader’s blade through the top of the culvert, messing it up, like a dumb ass. :O)caved10

The rip

It looks real bad but it’s been holding up for cars and trucks going up and down on the road. But this road has to be ready for fire trucks eventually, so this will have to get fixed somehow and a six foot culvert is larger than I want to deal with.messedup11

I’ll have to figure out how to deal with this, eventually.

Water tank overflow pipe

Then I went up the road further where there was a water tank from a spring. I needed to figure out how to route the overflow pipe away from the road, so I looked at that and figured out how to route it away from the road so it won’t erode the road during the winter.

The neighbor whose water tank that is said they would get me some black plastic pipe to fix that up.

From there, I headed on home for a nap and some chair hopping and took it easy for the rest of the day.

Nice day.

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A Ride In the Forest and Is this Gabe’s Rock

Tuesday September 3, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

I went outside this morning and saw Barry’s truck in the yard. He’d gone out for a dirt bike ride without me. He likes to do that so he can ride the steep stuff which I usually avoid.

I sat down for some chair hopping and it wasn’t too long before Barry came riding in on his bike. Seems he’d had a mishap on one of his steeper hills and had falling over and got his leg stuck under the bike and couldn’t get it out until he pulled his foot out of his shoe. He said it was on a steep slope, so he had a hard time getting the bike back up. He had a bit of blood and a sore hip out of the deal and I bet some other pains tonight.

We sat around for awhile then we hopped on our bikes and rode around in the forest for awhile.


We stopped at this spring for a drink of water and both noticed the spring tasted different today for some reason. Not as good as usual.bikes1

We rode off and stopped at this spring for a drink of water to see if the taste of this one was off or not.spring2

This spring water tasted real good at this one.water3

From there we rode over to a neighbor’s place where no one lives and stopped at the house for a bit.

I suggested we go out their gate which is usually locked , but not now, to see a big rock we can see from our resting area at the top of the hill.

We stopped here and Barry is headed out onto the big rock. It’s a straight drop off.rock4

Barry, being a retired surveyor, pulls out his phone and starts checking things. We thought this might be Gabe’s Rock, as that is what this road from town is called, but no, it was down the road further.barry5

Our break area is on the left ridge top, so we can see this rock from up there. There’s the house we stopped at on the way down to the rock about in the middle of the picture.house6

The house is situated nicely in the forest trees.house7


From there we rode over to my cousin’s house and visited with them for a bit catching up on all the forest news.

Eventually, we left and headed for my place where Barry took off for his place and I went in for a nap.

I did some chair hopping around the yard and took it easy for the rest of the day, even though I had plans to do some work.

Nice day.

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