Doing Some Road Maintenance On My Cousin’s Roads

Sunday March 9, 2025 Guerneville CA.

I rode my side by side up to where Skiddy was parked and warmed it up for some work.

No rocking today. Instead I’m going to go to my cousin’s place to clear some slides off the roads there that were caused by heavy winter rains this winter.

I rode out this road, taking the fork to the left.road1

And I went down this road smoothing out some spots and removing a small slide or two.road2

I made it down to the water crossing and fixed that up a bit.crossing3

And I got a drink of spring water which I needed.water4

I took this slide of the road.slide5

Then I worked my way back up the road and stopped at the top for a short

Barry wanted me to go down this steep trail, called the Goat Trail to fix some water bars that were too hard to ride across. I went down there, being careful as I haven’t had Skiddy on anything this steep before.trail7

I was fixing a water bar here and these small madrone trees got in my way and wouldn’t get off the road, but got stuck in this brush. I worked and worked at it and finally got enough of this stuff off the road to get by. You can’t tell, but the road is really steep right here, so I had to be careful and move slowly. It’s mainly a fire break road.trees8

I got the three water bars fixed up so Barry can ride his dirt bike up the road. Not me, it’s steeper than I need to go up.

From there I went over to this road my cousin calls the Steps and cleaned it up a bit. The guys messed this road up during the recent forest fire and there was lots of rock on the road that I cleared off and smoothed up a bit. The road was also getting over grown with brush they call Scotch Broom. This weed  has nice little yellow flowers, but it’s taking over everything in this area.brush9

I made it back to where Hondo was parked and fueled up Skiddy and went on home.

Nice day.

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Another Day Off and Exploring Another Neighbor’s Place

Saturday March 8, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Barry showed up in the yard today which meant we’d go for a dirt bike ride up in the forest and I wouldn’t be moving rock for the old dirt road.

We rode around and around through the forest and eventually ended up at our break area on this hill top for a break and to enjoy the day.top1

Eventually we left there and stopped  here so Barry could throw a log off the road.walk2

The log wasn’t very big so all I  had to do was take a picture and watch as Barry did all the hard work.log3

We rode around some more and decided we go over and see if our neighbor Cliff was around.

We made it over to his gate, but was closed so he wasn’t there. gate4

However, I had permission to move some logs and go around the gate, so we moved the logs and Barry started around the locked gate. I had the combo, but we cleared the trail around so next time we wouldn’t have to use the gate as it was easier to just go around it.trail5

We hadn’t rode all around on this property before, but we’d been to where the house was several times.

We took a side road and explored this hill. We had to walk up it for a bit of exercise.hill6

This place used to be a sheep ranch, back before 1960, so there were some nice meadows here for us to explore.grass9

We looked around checking the place out riding over the nice grassy hill sides.hillside10

We rode up to where the house used to be and hiked up the hill to where their spring was for a nice walk.walk11

Old house

Eventually we worked our way back to where the old house used to be. Some wild plum trees were blooming in the old orchard area.plum12

We’d parked on top of where the old house used to be. The house made it through the forest fire in 2020, just barely as the fire burnt right up to it,,,,,,,,,,,,,But.

Huge explosion

There was a huge explosion that I heard down at my house about a year later that blew the house up and burned the house down from a propane leak. One guy died and the other two guys were too old to live there anymore and were lucky to survive. They moved to an older folks home and it looks like Cliff inherited the place and has been trying to clean up all the trash on the place that has built up over the years. I think we counted about twenty old cars and trucks Cliff is trying to move off the place along with a lot of other stuff.

The house was on this spot.bikes13

We had a nice time exploring around on this place and we’ll be back.

We headed back towards my house and had a nice ride today.

Nice day.

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