Plans Change, Trip Prepping and Resting Up

Monday August 26, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Plans change

My plan today was go go up the hill and get the water pipes squared away and the new spring water going into our water tanks,………..but.

I was thinking if something went wrong like those yellow jackets getting out of hand I may not be able to get it hooked back up on the same day so I decided against doing that today.

Trip prepping

The main reason is I’m headed out to Port Orford Oregon soon and am running out of time.

So today I mostly puttered around the yard doing stuff for the chickens and doing some prep on the van

I greased the van and checked the engine fluids and topped them up and took the van to town to gas it up.

Been meaning to prune

I did get my blue berry bushes pruned a little. I’ve been going to do that for some time and just never got around to it so today was a good day to catch that.

Here’s my blue berry patch with the brush I pruned off the bushes today.blueberry


I did a couple loads of laundry so now I’m caught up on that.

Need resting time

That was about it for me today for a restful one. One of the reasons I’m headed to Oregon is to give my body a rest from all the work I’ve been doing around here so it has enough time for the older body to recover a bit so I can continue with the work.

Nice day, very restful.

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