Plugged Up Boat Ramp, But Still a Nice Day to Paddle

Friday June 12, 2015 Jenner CA.

When I arrived at Jenner this morning, the boat ramp was plugged up with rental boats, so I wasn’t too happy. I backed in, got out and moved a boat out of the way so I could back all the way down to the water. I let it be known that I was backing in, so watch out. The lady that owns the boats was across the street while I was doing  this. Eventually a lady identified herself as an employee, so I let her know I wasn’t happy with how the ramp was being plugged up by them, but I was fairly nice about it. I could tell one of the ladies renting kayaks from them wasn’t too  happy with me by the look on her face, especially when she had to get out of a kayak so I could get my boat in the water. People just don’t understand it’s not a good idea to sit down at the end of a boat ramp with cars and trucks trying to back down to launch boats. It’s not a good idea to sit people in boats at the end of the ramp and give them instructions on how to kayak as the instructor, nor the kayakers would be able to move fast enough to get away from an out of control car.

Anyway, not a good way to start the day. I paddled across the river and headed on up along the south side.

When I got near Paddy’s rock I could see some birds on it, so I crossed over the river to see what was there.

There was a cormorant resting on the rock by this wild mustard plantcormorant


And this merganser mommy with the little guys crawled off the rock as I approached.merga


Willow creek

I paddled up under the bridge on highway one and continued on up to Willow creek and entered. I sat around in different spots in the creek.

Here is what it looks like with the water level is up, just inside the creek’s entrance.creek


I sat under the bridge that crosses the creek. The birds are swallows  that were not sure about me being so close to their nests.bridge


After a bit, they did get back to their nests under the bridge.nests


I paddled all the way into the creek and sat.This is what it looks like in there, looking back towards where the river is on the other side of that white house.willow


As I exited the creek, this cormorant was diving for fish. I watched it get some, but it was too fast for any pictures. Usually, the only time I can get a picture of these guys with a fish is when they catch one that is too big to swallow quickly.cors


I stopped here on the upper side of the highway one bridge and just sat and watched, nothing in particular.riverbridge


I moved into this little creek just below the bridge and sat for a bit. It was real nice out.river


Bridge Haven

The place by the bridge is called Bridge Haven and I always admire this ladies yard of flowers. One of the advantages of paddling a river is you get to look into peoples back yards and some of them are quite nice. flowers


I paddled along until I got to the Muskrat Nest area and pulled in here for a break. Yes, I need lot of breaks. :O)muskrat


As I left Muskrat, the river looked like this as I went down the left side.russianriver


With the river’s mouth closed the logs up the river at Seal haven are under water, so some of those seals move down here to this log, which I pass by every day, so these guys know me well.seals


Had a talk

I was almost back in to the ramp and I was thinking of going down to the bottom end of Penny Island, but decided against it and went on in for the day. The ramp was mostly clear of boats. I put my boat on the car and saw the kayak rental employee sitting up there so decided it would be a good idea to explain things to her. I informed her the reason it’s not a good idea to give lessons at the end of the ramp is because of reasons of safety. I explained how dangerous it was sitting down there at the bottom. She seemed to get that. I also explained it’s not a good idea to plug up the ramp with boats or people are going to get mad who what to get their boats in the water. She was a kayaker so understood that too. Now if the owner of the kayak rentals would just get her act together. :O)


I went on home and set some sprinklers to water, then picked about a quart of blueberries. I put the berries on the stove with some sugar and made a jam, jelly sort of stuff. I mixed some of that into some cake dough I put together and baked it. Hummm good. Because of my corn stuff allergy, the only way I can eat any baked stuff is to make it myself, so every once in awhile I need to get a fix, so I take the time to do stuff like this. Everything must be from scratch and corn free. You’d think finding corn free food would be easy, but it’s very difficult as there are so many things made from corn in our products.

That was my day.

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