Pruning Fruit Trees For Spring and Puttering Around the Yard

Saturday January 2, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Yard puttering

It drizzled most of last night so this morning even though it stopped things were a bit damp out.

So I walked around the yard to see what I needed to do to get ready for spring.

I mostly need to prune some fruit trees, mostly apple.

I thought I’d start with these three apple trees once I got my pruning shears out.tree


I also need to prune these fruit trees too.trees2


Raspberry patch

I let the chickens into the raspberry patch as I’ve had them locked out of there for some time now and it’s one of their favorite places.rasppatch


I also have to prune this peach tree eventually.peach


Good girls

I haven’t been getting many eggs lately sometimes none each day but yesterday things changed and I got 8 eggs. Today I got nine eggs. Good girls.eggs


Pruning apple trees

I got out my pruning stuff and started to work on these three apple trees and got them pruned even though it doesn’t look much like I did in the picture.pruned


Chair hopping

That was a good start. I spent the rest of the day puttering around the yard doing little this and that’s and a lot of chair hopping. Last nights light rain warmed up the temps here so it was rather nice out.

I checked to see how the chickens where doing in the raspberry patch to see how torn up it might be. They were doing just fine so I left them at it.chickens


I continued to putter around the yard, mostly  just sitting around.

I thought about working on the crab snares some more but felt too laze so that can wait.

Commenters question

Nancy in Comments wanted to know if we are allowed to use crab pots. Yes we can but they are big and heavy for older guys and are a big bother so, snares seem to be the modern thing to use these days especially for fishing from a kayak or off the shoreline. The snares can be cast far out with a rod and real and are  easier to manage and use a lot less bait too. My brother Barry just got a new kayak and is raring to go crabbing in it so that’s how I got involved.

Nice for a campfire

Just before dark I was still outside so I started a little campfire and sat by it until just after dark and that was my day.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Pruning Fruit Trees For Spring and Puttering Around the Yard

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    You have so many fruit trees! :) I realize that involves a lot of pruning too to produce good fruit. I like how the chickens help you clean up the raspberry patches. You’ve trained them well! haha

  2. Nancy K says:

    Now I’m interested to see the snares and how they work. I used to spend a lot of time up on the Oregon coast, watching people fishing for crab. My (now ex) father-in-law was a crab fisherman. There’s nothing better than fresh crab!!!

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