Puttering, Blue Clay Find, and Some Spring Work At the Neighbors

Monday August 21, 2023 Guerneville CA.


I went over to my brother’s chicken pen today and collected the eggs while he is away for a bit.chickens1


Car tire leak

My tire pressure alert came on the other day and I found this tire at 20 pounds instead of 30 pounds. I added some air. Today I checked for the leak and couldn’t find one, so I’ll wait awhile and check the pressure again at a later time. I think I might have had a small rim leak that sealed up when I added more pressure.tire2


Wi-fi extender

The  next thing I did was to move this wi-fi extender to this spot to improve the internet signal in the front yard.repeater3


Blue clay

My neighbor, way up on the hill tops called and said we should check out his new spring and get ready to tap it soon. We need some blue clay, so I stopped to check out this creek spot where I thought there was some blue clay.creek4


There seems to be lots of blue clay here. We just need to take some rocks off the top to get to it.clay5



I continued on up the hill to this gate where I spotted these wild turkeys sneaking off.turkeys6


It was trying to rain, but it just did some very light drizzling for about an hour.road7


The spring area was a bit over grown, so Rob took his weed eater to make a trail into it.trimming8


Spring clean out

We took the rocks off the spring tap and found it all plugged up with roots from the big ferns there.spring9


Big salamander

This big Pacific Giant Salamander crawled out from the rocks. It’s about 7 inches long and like to live in this type of spot.salamander10


We made plans to get some blue clay and fix this spring up soon.

Lots of clouds today, but little rain.view11


Headed back to Rob’s place where we shot the bull a bit then I headed on home for the day.gate


Nice day.

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One Response to Puttering, Blue Clay Find, and Some Spring Work At the Neighbors

  1. Dennis Olson says:

    Bob, thinking how odd the bobcat expired next to your rooster…. Did you do any post-mortem.. you know, to see if he had any obvious wounds?

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