Rainy Day, So Another Old Dirt Road Check

Sunday February 2, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Cement crossing

I headed on up through the state park to the old dirt road I’d been working on through this creek. This road has a cement creek crossing which is real good as it doesn’t require any road maintenance and doesn’t wash out like culverts do.creek1


I stopped here at the rock slide. Only a little rock has been dribbling down.rig3

I stopped to throw a few rocks off the road, just enough for cars and trucks to get by.rocks2

Looking good

I continued on up the dirt road which mostly looked real good considering all the rains we’ve been having.road4

I stopped here at this slide area.rig5

The slide wasn’t too bad but needed some rocks thrown off the road, so I took care of that.rocks6


This ditch needed a bit of work, so I got the shovel out.ditch7

Moving Skiddy

The road looked good, so I headed over to my cousin’s place as I wanted her to drive my rig so I could bring Skiddy back up to the top of the old dirt road, so it would be close if I needed it to repair the dirt road as we are going to get a lot more rain, it looks like.

We made it back to my house. I started up Skiddy to warm it up and sent her back up the hill to where I will park Skiddy. She likes to drive the rig as she’s learning how to drive it.rigs8

It takes about a half hour to drive Skiddy back up to the top of the dirt road, so I went up this road to get there.raod9

My cousin left Skiddy in the right spot so I hopped in and drove back down to my place for a nap.

Nice day.

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