Resting My Sore Back and Messing With Wi-fi Extenders

Thursday August 24, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Playing with the extenders

I spent most of the day working on my three wi-fi extenders that I use to improve the signal in my yard. I wasn’t sure which ones were working and which ones might not be working so I grabbed one at a time and brought it into the house to reset each one and set it up again.

This one was pretty easy to get going.DSC00890


But this one hung me up  most of the day. It worked sometimes but had errors often. I tried and tried to get it working, but in the end, it’s  headed to the trash.DSC00891


The third one also worked without too much hassle.

I ordered up another one to replace the defective one.

Really, that took most of the day fiddling around with them and trying to figure out how the setup software worked.

Game cams

Later in the day, I rode up to retrieve the game cam cards and went for a little dirt bike ride too, taking the long way home.

This is the lower cam. That looks like a fox headed for it’s  home, up the hill


The rest are from the upper cam, higher on the hill.

Another fox, I think. Or a coyote?fox3


A wild pigeon came by for a drink of water, I was surprised there was only one as they usually travel around in groups.pigeon


And this gray squirrel is having a drink of water.squirrel


Bad back

I was taking it easy today, resting up my bum back. I did a couple ice packs. It’s a bit better, but I’m still hunched over a bit with some pain.

I’ll live.

Nice day.

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One Response to Resting My Sore Back and Messing With Wi-fi Extenders

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Hope the back pain eases soon.

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