Ride In the Mountains and Some Playing With the New Toy

Saturday December23, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up for a ride in the forest today. I’d left my bike over where I store the bulldozer yesterday, as I forgot it. Today, when I went over to get it to ride, I found I’d left the key on and the battery was too dead to start it.

Fortunately, I have anther bike so we returned to my house and got it and off we went headed for the high country.

Like always, we rode around and around on all the roads and the trails.

We had to stop here so Barry could get this little tree off the road. He rides first, so he gets to do most of the removing of small trees while I take a picture.trrr



We went by the Guerneville overlook with the small town of Guerneville down in the valley. That valley used to have some of the biggest trees in the world in it. Huge redwood trees. Those were mostly cut down before 1900 for lumber to build all the big cities around the San Francisco Bay area.rivercity


Break spot

And eventually, we ended up at the top of the mountain at our break area.top3


The sky was mostly sunny.sky4


Back at the house after our ride, Tom helps me clear the last of his big rock pile up. I cleaned up the area and that job was done, thanks to the new toy.rocks5


Lots of buttons

Tom was eager to try out the new toy, so I gave him some instructions of what all of the buttons were for and off he went.tom6


I stood back and watched him and gave him a few more hints on how to operate it.bucket7


At the end of the day, I drove the toy back to my house to change it’s blade for some other work I want to do and to grease and fuel it up.

Blog transfer update

So far, it hasn’t happened. I paid the new hosts to do the transfer, but after I filled the guy in on all the history of the problems I’d had trying to transfer it, the guy decided to get advice from their team of experts before he tackles it to figure out how to do it best.

I hope they come up with a good solution and get the job done.

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Ride In the Mountains and Some Playing With the New Toy

  1. Barb says:

    Merry Christmas, Bob!

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Merry Christmas, Bob!

  3. Deb says:

    There is nothing like a new toy to fill a day.

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