Road Work, Fire Prevention and Skiddy’s Blade

Tuesday July 30, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Road work

I rode on over to have another look at this road I plan to repair later in the year. I needed to study the situation some more to decide how I wanted to repair it. The road has a bad habit of washing out during big storms as it’s not slopped properly for the water to drain off it.

I parked here at the old corral and walked down the road.hondo

The road is rather scenic with all the big redwood trees on it.road2

The area under the log is one of the problem areas as the road is very narrow in this spot.road3

This is the narrow spot, with a creek on the left and a big redwood tree stump on the right side. I studied this and figured out that I can improve this spot a lot with some creative bulldozing. It would  help a lot if I sloped the road away from the big redwood stump as now it’s sloped towards the stump which causes rigs to want to lean in to the stump which makes it hard to get by. Leaning the road away from the stump slightly will cure that problem and make it much easier to get by.narrow4

Fire prevention

After that, I went back up to my cousin’s place where the guys are doing some fire prevention around her house. They are clearing brush down there under the trees.clearing5

There goes the guy taking some of the brush out to a burn pile with their little machine.rig6

Tree trimmer

They are trimming the big limbs off the trees over the house.trimmer7

The ground crew is helping the guy up in the tree control a big branch he is cutting off a big tree up above.groundcrew8

He’s about to cut the big branch loose for the ground crew to lower down.limb10

Skiddy’s blade needs fixing

I’ve had a fixit request in with John Deere to repair my blade which is under warranty. Today, I got an email saying I had to bring it in to have them diagnose the problem.

It seems they should be bringing it in as they sold me a defective blade. The blade has a solenoid in it that isn’t working properly.

My problem is the blade is wider than my trailer, so I can’t use the machine to load it from the back. I’ll have to load it from the side, so I need some way to pick it up with the machine to load it that way.

I  moved the blade over to my welding area.blade11

I need to weld a couple short pieces of chain on the blade so I can pick it up with a chain that has hooks on it.chain12

I welded the chains on the blade like this.chain13

And now I can pick up the blade with the other bucket to load it up on the trailer.lifting14

Nice day.

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