Shopping and Moving Mulch

Thursday October 21, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Shopping day

It was raining today as I got it going so I decided to make a Costco run to the shopping area.

So I drove on over there in the light rain.

Now I had about six or eight things to get and Costco was out of three of them. Of course those were the three things I wanted the most.

Any way I  made it back home and it was still raining so I napped a bit after putting my stuff away.

Doing something

When I looked out the window again the rain had stopped for a bit so I went out to do something, just to do something.

Rain has stopped.yard


Moving mulch

I got the wheelbarrow and pitch fork and loaded up the wheelbarrow with woodchip mulch.mulch


Heavy mist moves in

I moved two loads and a light misty rain started to fall, but I kept at it a bit more and got a total of six loads moved into this garden before the mist got too heavy and I had to quit for the day.gardem


I have a bunch more mulch I want to move so I’ll be doing this on and off for some time.

Nice day.

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