Shopping Stuff, A Dentist, a Discussion and a Sunset Paddle

Wednesday November 11, 2015 Jenner CA.

Shopping and stuff

Today I had a lot of stuff to do besides kayaking. I had an afternoon dentist appointment. That meant I had some time to kill. I headed off to Gardener’s Aid to see my friend Bill about a carb rebuild kit for my chain saw. We shot the bull some and I got the parts. Next it was off to Home depot to get some pipe parts I need to finish up the creek crossing I’ve been working on. I found those parts and went over to Wal-mart for some stuff.

I was doing good on time, so I went over to Costco to get some goodies to eat. I almost ran into a guy in his car on the way out of the parking lot. Seems like more and more I either just miss someone or they just miss me just about every time I go shopping. Miss is good though. I hope I can keep the miss thing up.

I had a little time to spare before my dentist appointment and figured out I should spend it looking around the Forestville cemetery I’ve driven by many times and never stopped and my dentist was in Forestville. I know a lot of old names in the area but was surprised how few I recognized at this cemetery.

I made it to the dentist with time to spare and things went well there.

Rotate the tires

After that, I decided to stop in and see if they had time to rotate my tires on the way home at the Country Tire Shop, a local tire shop. I’ve grown to like the local shop because I can just drive up and ask if they have any time to rotate my tires as they aren’t usually too busy in the afternoons. That took about fifteen minutes and I was on my way home.

Deer in the yard

I put all my purchases in the house and was thinking I still had time to go down to Jenner for an evening kayak, so I checked the weather for wind conditions. Five or six miles an hour which is excellent, so I went to get in my car. Oh, oh, there goes a darn deer across my yard and I can’t have that. I have too many good things they can eat and do a lot of damage to. I chased one around the house and I think it jumped over the fence into the creek, but I wasn’t sure, so around the house I went again and picked up another one a young buck and chased it around the house too and into the creek it went.

Off I went and arrived in Jenner just about four PM. The sun was out and the wind was down to about calm, great.

A good discussion

I put my boat on the ramp and went to park the car. On the way to the boat I stopped to talk with the state maintenance guys that were working on the visitor center as they were putting stuff away for the day. One of them had an old van like I have and I’d talked with him before.

Well, we talked about state parks and stuff for an hour. I learned a lot from them I they learned a lot from me. We had quite a discussion about a lot of stuff. It’ always good when we can discuss stuff and not argue about anything and that’s the way it went. A good informative conversation.

The sunset

Eventually, they had to leave and I looked out the river to the sun going down which looked like this.sunset


Even though there weren’t any clouds in the sky, things lit up pretty nice.sundown


I put my boat in the water and headed down towards the river’s mouth area on calm waters.moutharea


I paddled into my spot by the open river’s mouth right here and sat and watched as the sun continued to go down further into the Pacific ocean.mouth


There were a bunch of harbor seals just across from me on the sand.seals


I looked out the open river’s mouth into the Pacific ocean. I like pictures like this one as there’s something a little extra in it for the viewer’s mind to wrap around. Hint: seagullseagulls


As I was leaving the mouth area some harbor seals were splashing in the water doing something? Mostly all I heard and saw were splashes like this one.splash


I paddled back over to Penny Island and went down the shoreline and crossed over the river to the boat ramp and took this last sundown picture looking back towards the ocean.sundown3


I’m just pulling into the boat ramp with the visitor center that the state guys are working on in the background.ramp


I put my boat on my car around six PM and went on home for the day.

Nice day.

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One Response to Shopping Stuff, A Dentist, a Discussion and a Sunset Paddle

  1. Patti Godwin says:


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