Shortcuts Aren’t Always Short, Visiting and the Razor

Sunday March 10, 2019 Quartzsite Arizona

Doing some visiting today

I spent the night at my Quartzsite desert camp spot


Once I got it going this morning I just sat around enjoying the day until about noon.

Razor ride planning

My plan for the day was to go visit with Adele and see about our ride in her Razor as we needed to get it together as far as planning.

I decided to take a shortcut to  her place at Rainbow Acres so I drove up the La Paz road and turned onto a gravel road.

Not a shortcut

Well my shortcut turned into a long cut as I got on the wrong gravel road and went way past her place. I finally stopped and hooked up my GPS maps to find out where exactly I was which was good I did as I was going to go back on the road I’d come but the GPS map showed if I went a little further on the road I was on I’d come to a main road into the Rainbow Acres subdivision where Adele lives.

I was traveling down roads like this today taking the long cut.road


Adele’s place

When I arrived at Adele’s house she wasn’t there so I got my new cell phone out and was figuring out how to send a message to her and see if she was in the area when her red truck came down the road so I put the cell phone away.

Adele set up some chairs in her backyard and we shot the bull for the rest of the afternoon.

Unfortunately Adele is expecting some cement for her new garage and also a shipment of cabinets for her kitchen that she has to be home for and no one has given her any dates yet so it was messing up our Razor ride we had planned.

So we changed our plans and made plans to just go for a ride around the Rainbow area which is all desert and as good a place as any to go for a ride.

Can I can I

I asked if she’d at least let me drive it for just a bit when we go for a ride and she said sure, you can drive it up the hill where we will be going. Great.

I took a photo of her Razor. Doesn’t that look like a fine little beast. I’m looking forward to our ride.razor


Lost again

I left her place taking another short cut and got a bit lost again but did find my way back to highway 95 and onto Marty and Patti’s to check my email and visit for a bit.

Around six I drove off to my camp spot in the desert on Sun Kiss road.


My plan tomorrow is to get fuel for the van and head out for a few days or so back to Queen’s Canyon and hike up the trail and trim the brush that makes the trail difficult mostly just for something to do. The wild flowers should be a little further along so I’ll be checking them out too.

So as usual I’ll be away from internet access and will post when I get back.

The wind was down today so it was another fine day in Quartzsite.

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2 Responses to Shortcuts Aren’t Always Short, Visiting and the Razor

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    You are lucky to get out on the new Razor. Bill would like that too.
    Nice to see you are enjoying Quartzsite, getting lost just part of the ambience. :)

  2. George Yates says:

    Yes sometimes those shortcuts became a long scenic drive , but at least you eventually got there. Those Razors are wonderful fun machines nice that you got to drive it.

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