Skiddy’s Rear Bumper Upgrade Welding Up

Saturday September 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Welding Up

I put all the new bumper parts on the bumper and set it up for welding. I tacked the parts in place so they’d stay in place.bumper1

I had some trouble using the new flux core welder as it’s new to me and I don’t really have much experience using the welder yet. My tacks looked terrible.tacked2

Tom helps out

So, I asked my brother Tom to help me out as he’s real good with these types of welders.

Here’s Tom welding up my bumper parts.welding3

He’s doing some vertical welds on this one. His welds look real good.welding4

I mostly watched and  held an umbrella over his head to block out the sun so he could see what he was doing. He got the bumper parts welded on.welding5


Then he welded up my two braces.welding6


After Tom was done welding things up, I put some paint on the new parts.brackets7

This is one of the joints he welded up. The two tabs are to make it all stronger, as there is a lot of stress on this joint.welds8

I put some paint on the two braces and set them to dry.braces9

I used brown paint on the bumper. I think I like the brown better than the green. For now, I have a two tone bumper.bumper10

That’s all I could do until the paint is dry.

Nice day.

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One Response to Skiddy’s Rear Bumper Upgrade Welding Up

  1. Ken Solbakken says:

    Great job Bob and Tom! The Noble brothers make for a good team.

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