New Metal Chop Saw and Skiddy’s Bumper Work

Sunday April 14, 2024 Guerneville CA.

New chop saw

I’d ordered up this metal chop saw the other day and if came in yesterday evening. I didn’t know it came with a blade so I’d ordered up one of those so now I have an extra one if I ever mess this one up. I put the blade I’d ordered up on it as it had ten more teeth than the one that came with it. The unit weighs in at about 75  pounds so is nice and beefy for cutting steel. I’ve wanted one of these things for some time now.chopsaw

Cycle lift

This cycle lift that I had was a bit too tall to fit under my bike so I took it apart and was able to cut one inch off it to make it a bit shorter. I need to weld something on the shock to make it work and the shock is now a bit long. I’ll weld it up later.lift

Working on the bumper for Skiddy

It’s time to work on the bumper. I need to cut these pipes to length and Tom is going to come by to help me get them mounted on the bumper a little later in the

New welder

Tom is also going to finish hooking up my new flux core welder as he has lots of experience with these types of welders as he built stainless steel wine tanks for part of his life. All I’ve ever done is use an old arc welder, but it’s time I learned how to use one of these.welder

Tom showed up to set up the welder and then we started tacking pipes to the bumper which will hopefully protect the back of Skiddy from bending stuff when I run into things, such as big trees. I had him do all the welding as I need to practice with this new machine before I weld up stuff like this.tom

We have the outside pieces tacked together. There’s more pipes that go inside these pipes which I need to cut now.welded

Works great

I used the new saw to cut these pipes to length.saw

I’m fitting pipes one by one inside the outside pipes and sorta designing things as I go.

This is a good start but I need more pipes added which I need to make fit.guard

That’s as far as I got today.

Nice day.

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