Some Shopping and Some Yard Work for Exercise

Monday March 17, 2014 Guerneville CA.

Gathering leaves for mulch

I started the day off with a trip to get some goodies to eat in Santa Rosa, and was home by one. What to do with the rest of the day?

Some yard work needed done, so I worked on that for the rest of the day. I needed some mulch for my berry and potato patch. The way to get this was to rake, sweep and shovel it up from my driveway as lots of this stuff falls from the trees every year.

I started gathering mulch near the road and worked my way into the yard.

A wheel barrel full of old leaves., some of which has already mulched out to dirt, as I haven’t done this for two or three years now.mulch


Picking up another pile of leaves along the driveway.leaves


I wheeled them a short distance to my blue berry patch. It’s also a potato patch and has some strawberry plants in it too.

Here’s the blue berry patch where I dumped the mulch. I will carefully spread it out later, being careful not to cover up my potato plants.berrypatch


I moved six loads of mulch and likely should of only moved a couple because of my sore sprained ankle. It hurts a bit now. I finally had to stop because of it, but thought I did a good job.

More mulch on the way

As I was sitting in my chair resting after all the hard work, I heard my brother’s tractor coming.

Here it is and the cherry trees are blooming nicely


Looks like my brother is bringing me some more redwood mulch from his yard with his tractor. It’s a bit faster than the way I do it. But I get more exercise.tractor


Dump it right over there, as I have to put it on by hand so as not to cover up all the small plants.tractormulch


It’ll be awhile before I get the energy to spread all that mulch out, but I’ll get it done eventually. Thanks Tom.

I’ve heard that forest leaves don’t make good mulch because it is too acid? Tell that to the millions of acres of forest throughout the world, will ya? It’s what the forest grows in and most everything else that grows in a forest. I’ve found the stuff to grow things real well and am always pulling out fruit trees that have started from seed in the stuff. I’ve seen people throw this stuff away, but not me.

A word on comments

Comments are now turned on, activated so to speak. My blog is not hosted where normal blogs are, so early on there was too much spam to deal with, so I shut comments off.

However, Al of the Bayfield Bunch prodded me about not finding a place to comment, so I did some research and found a Google Plus comment add-on which I installed.

So now comments are on for those that have a Google Plus account, which should be most people as you can’t do much with anything Google without it.

So, comment away if you like.

Had a nice day working in the yard.

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