Spring Yard Work, Mulching the Raspberry Patch

Tuesday April 12, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Yard work day

I wanted to get all the woodchips moved today, mostly just to get it over with.

I started out moving the last of this pile of woodchips, but didn’t quite have enough of them.chips1


I dumped the chips in the raspberry patch.patch2


Main chip pile

Since I didn’t have enough woodchips in that pile I went over to the main pile and loaded up there to finish the raspberry patch off.chippile3


I felt a few small rain drops as a couple big clouds went overhead but that was about it.clouds4


I did a bit of chair hopping through out the day on and off to rest up between loads of woodchips and also just to enjoy the day.

Missed a spot

I thought I’d moved all the woodchips I needed but then I discovered I’d missed this section so I moved some more chips to this spot.patch5


One more job

I wasn’t finished yet. I loaded up some more chips.pile6


And moved them under these apple trees and then quit that job for the day.trees7



Some of those woodchips needed to be spread around a bit so I let the chickens in the raspberry patch to work on that.chickens8



Then I set up the fertilizer injector on the raspberry patch to put some fertilizer on the woodchips to help them decay and also the plants got some too.water9


Applying the fertilizer to the raspberry patch with a sprinkler.water10


And I moved the eggs I’d been gathering in the chickens coop to the fridge. The chickens lay a lot of eggs this time of year, that’s a couple weeks worth.eggs11


And I spent the rest of the day chair hopping around the yard with the chickens.

Nice day.

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One Response to Spring Yard Work, Mulching the Raspberry Patch

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    Busy day. The raspberry patch is looking good and look at all those eggs!! Wow!

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