State Parks and Save the Redwoods Meet Up

Thursday February 15, 2024 Guerneville  CA.


I’ve been thinking of a new chainsaw lately. But Barry had this older Husky that he replaced with a Stihl a while back and it was as good as new and he didn’t need it so he gave it to me with a bunch of extra chains.

I’ll try it out and see what I think.saw1

State parks meet up

We  had an appointment with the state parks guys and the  Save the Redwoods League  group around noon. We’d made arrangements with the state park guys to show our family property to the Save the Redwoods group to see about them buying our property and giving it to the State parks which is something they do. They have more money to do this than the state parks have and since there are plenty of redwood trees on our place, the state guys thought we might be able to get a deal going.

We met them here at the appointed time.state2

We parked and walked up along one of my trails to show them some of the property.

Little flower

One of them or Barry spotted this little flower here so we stopped to check it out.group3

Redwood Orchid

They had spotted what we call a Redwood Orchid. They come up under the redwood trees in this area in the spring.flower4

We stopped often to fill them in on the info of our place.group5

We stopped at our memorial site where the largest redwoods on the property are.group6


And then moved on up one of my trails that go up along the creek.gtoup7

Besides the property, the flower and these lady bugs were the main attraction.group8

Lady bugs

Most of the hibernating lady bugs had moved off already with the warmer spring weather but  there were still enough of them left to see.ladybugs9

Went well

I think our  meetup with the Save the Redwoods group went well and now they know what we want to make a deal. It’s an ideal property for the State Parks system and would be added to the Armstrong Parks Reserve which adjoins our property.

Ride in the forest

With that taken care of Barry and I went for a bike ride up in the forest, but those darn mushrooms got in the way again as they are popping up all over the place this year and we have to stop when we see some so Barry can fill up his bag.barry10

We didn’t get a lot of riding in, but looking for the shrooms does get us a lot of walking around exercise.

On the way home we stopped here so I could pick up a trail cam card. The cam is on the big tree there.spring11

Nice day.

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