State Parks Meeting, Spring Hunt and Project Work

Tuesday July 16, 2024 Guerneville  CA.

State park

I had an appointment with a guy I knew down at the area state parks headquarters this morning as I needed some questions answered as to how I deal with them.state1

We had a good talk and we shot the bull some. Turns out, my cousin that lives up  in the hills had an appointment right after me, but I didn’t stay around for that.

Forest exploring

I did some shopping on the way home and loaded my containers up with diesel at the gas station.

I’ve been curious if there was a spring by this house the state just acquired as the house has to haul in water. I rode my bike down a road that came out way below the  house down in this gully and determined the hills were  too steep for me to hike around looking for a spring from this point.creek3

So, I rode up the the house and parked to walk over the hills edge to the right. There’s a bunch of big redwood trees down there which indicates there is water but it may not come to the surface for tapping.house4

It was steep going down the hill from the house. The trouble with going down is one must climb back up to get out and I wasn’t looking forward to that.forest5

Redwoods trees and an old huge redwood stump from the old days that went through a forest fire.stump7

The gulley I was going down had lots of redwood trees in it, indicating there was water in the ground.redwoods8

I had to go pretty much to the bottom before I ran into what I was looking for, big ferns that indicate there is water near the surface near here.ferns9

Jack pot

I located a spring, but it wasn’t flowing enough to supply a house and it would be just too hard to install a pump and pipe down here, so it was a no go.spring11

I started the trek back up the steep hill taking my time and I was happy to get back to my dirt bike.

I headed back to my place for a short nap.

Brush clearing project

I needed to load these old rotten log pieces onto the trailer so I used Skiddy for that which made the job easy.logs12

And I used Skiddy to pull these plum tree stumps out of the ground and loaded them into the trailer for disposal.stumps13

Tom was going to haul the trailer up into the hills with his tractor to dump the logs up there, but first we needed to hook up this old disc to haul it across the highway with Skiddy. Tom hooked it up with chains. I dropped the disc at it’s new home and Tom took off up the hill with his tractor to dump the brush.disc14

I waited by the rock pile for him to come back with the trailer so I could load it up with rock for my project. Tom’s dumping the rock where I need it.rock15

I brought a scoop of rock back with Skiddy too.skissy16

I parked and the chickens took over.pile17

Nice day.

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