Phone Tag for My VA Allergy Appointment

Friday January 29, 2016 Guerneville CA.

Raining today

I could hear it raining lightly as I got up this morning which was ok with me as it would make my phone tag type day easier to stay home and in the house.

Let’s get the process rolling

I had a a cup of coffee to make sure I was fully awake. Then I dialed the number for the Veterans choice program to get some info of what it was and to see if I could get it started for my case. I found out that I’m likely eligible for it, as I live more than forty miles from the Martinez, but they couldn’t get it started for me. I had to get it started when trying to make the appointment with the allergy people at the Martinez Clinic. They said the key words for the program, with the appointment people would be, Choice Champions which should get me into the Veterans Choice program.

So, I called the Martinez Clinic and got a, leave a message, likely because it was almost lunch time.

I waited to just after 1 PM and called them back and got an appointment lady.

Not too far into the conversation, I mentioned I wanted to use the Choice  Champions program which I ‘d learned about in an earlier call. This program is supposed to get me a third party doctor closer to home, which in my case should be in Santa Rosa which would be good.

Now we were getting somewhere,…………..But. She said the doctor I would have to talk to that knew how to deal with this program was not in today, or Monday either, so she said he’d call me on Tuesday. She said she didn’t know anything about the program, so I wait until Tuesday.

Now, I’m a hard guy to reach by phone and I don’t have an answering machine, so I will wait until Tuesday and make a call to try to get a hold of that Doc.

I hate playing phone tag, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do. :O)

I was thinking of going down to kayak, but the day is almost over and it’s still raining a little, so I just stayed home where it is nice and warm and comfy.

I really hate to do this appointment stuff, so I’m happy to have it all started and progressing to get this done.

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