Too Windy at Jenner and Going After Some Booties

Thursday February 23, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Drove on down to Jenner

It was going to be a sunny day today, so I checked the weather report for Jenner. Sunny, but windy. I decided to drive on down to Jenner and see if I could get lucky with the wind as sometimes the weather guys get it wrong, but not this time.

Russian River mouth overlook

Here I am at the river’s mouth overlook on highway 1 looking back up the river with the ocean off to the right where Goat Rock is.overlook


Cold wind blows

The wind was up a little, not really too bad, but it was blowing cool, so that did it for me and that’s why I’m at the overlook.

Panning right from the first photo above, the river in front looking over the sandy beach into the Pacific ocean., or looking south.southview


River’s mouth is open and muddy

And to the right of that picture is the open river’s mouth . You can see the muddy water from the river flowing into the Pacific ocean which you can see is greenish blue way out there.mouth


Fish love muddy water

Lots of people think the muddy water is bad for the fish, but it’s not. They can move around in it doing their spawning thing and be relatively safe from predation. Muddy water is the only time the fish are safe. Any other time every thing is trying to catch and eat them. So I’d say this has been a good year for the big spawning fish as the river has been mostly muddy for most of this season which means most of the fish should have been able to make it up to their spawning grounds in safety, done there spawning thing and can safely return to the ocean, which steelhead do, but not the Salmon, they die after spawning.

There were two packs of harbor seals resting on the beach down there. Here’s one of them.seals


And this flock of seagulls were resting on the left side of the open mouth.seagulls


Like I said it was a cold wind, so I didn’t stay too long and drove on home stopping in Guerneville to do a couple of shopping errands and then on home for a nap.

I was thinking I needed to go to Santa Rosa to get a pair of booties to wear when I need to get my feet wet in the water during kayaking. I wasn’t really into going shopping, but if I went today, it would free up tomorrow, so after my nap I drove on over to REI.

Oh, oh, is the place burning down

As I parked my car and got out I could hear a fire alarm and there was a fire truck in front of the store and a bunch of people out front. I’m thinking I drove all the way over here for this. If there’s a fire, the store will be closed and no boots for me.

So I took this picture and went over and chatted with the lady up there by the car on the right.

She said the fire truck just got here and it appears it might be a false alarm, so we waited for about five minutes and everyone went into the store and I could shop.rei


Well, it turns out that they are just putting the booties out from storage, getting ready for summer and so they have a limited number of sizes and I don’t see a twelve, which I might need, so I do a thirteen, so I grab the box and take it over and try it on. Seems  like it might be about right so I buy them and head for home as I’m not really into shopping and I can’t think of anything else I can’t live without.

My new booties

At home I decided to take a photo of my new water booties and just as I do the cat shows up to check them out


Packing up for Port Orford

I’ve been watching the weather up at Port Orford Oregon, waiting for the rain storms coming in to change to showers and it looks like things are changing after this weekend. My plan is to get things packed up and the van in travel mode tomorrow and Saturday and likely leave for Oregon on Sunday, depending on what this next rain storm does.

And that was my day.

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