Tom and I Get the Big Table

Saturday April 20, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up this morning so we rode up into the hills for a bike ride for a couple hours as I needed to be back at my house around one. As always we rode all around the place.

We rode on up to my cousin’s place for a visit and were back at my house just before one.

Big table

Tom  had found a big welding table for sale on the internet and he’d be back from the Farmer’s market where he sells vegetables by one or so. He said it was a good table and I needed it.

When he showed up we took his truck over to where the trailer was parked and hooked it up. He stopped here at his tractor to pick up some tie down straps and chains, just in case they were needed.truck1

We drove on over to this guys place, about fifteen minutes from my place. His dad had recently died and he was selling off all his dad’s stuff. His dad did welding and blacksmithing.

Big table

I knew the table was 4×8 feet, but when I saw it, it even looked larger, but wasn’t.table2

Loading up

We had to get it loaded on the trailer. Tom had brought some ramps to help out but it took all of us to wrestle it onto the trailer. Tom got it fastened down while I was looking at some other metal stuff the guy was giving away. I made off with a few pieces of it.loadedup3

We headed for home and made it without any problems which is always nice.

Tom is taking all the hold down stuff off while I fired up Skiddy to help unload the table.unloading4

With Skiddy’s help we were able to get the big table onto the ground. And then used Skiddy to push it off to the side and out of the way.unloaded5

Eventually, I want to put it in the garage, but I need to build a metal rack first to get a bunch of metal out of the way which is on the floor of the garage, so the table will sit here until I do. It’s a good thing most of our rains are over for the year.table6

Nice day.

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One Response to Tom and I Get the Big Table

  1. Prichie says:

    What a great find! I’m sure you’ll put it to good use.

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