Took a Couple Lazy Days Off

Tuesday July 9, 2024 Guerneville CA.

The last two days, I didn’t  do much, but lay around the house and chair hop with the chickens.

Neighbor’s diesel problem did spent some time over at the neighbor’s trying to help  him with his diesel problem. It runs full bore all the time so we have to figure out why. I just have to give him advice and he does the work and then I have to check on  him when things still don’t work. I’ve never messed with the internals of a diesel injection pump so I’m learning too. I learn more when he makes a mistake and I have to figure out what he did wrong.

After watching enough YouTube videos on the type of pump he has and the problems he’s having I think I finally know enough to help him get it fixed up. I’m just waiting for him to get it all apart again so we can track down the problem which I think is in the throttle mechanism.

Some planning

While chair hopping I’ve been doing some planning on where to put a new 20 by 20 RV cover. At first I thought I’d have to remove two cherry trees and an apricot tree, but more planning gave me some new ideals on where to put the shed I have and the new RV cover. I just have to move my old shed a bit. When I built that shed I put it on a metal foundation so I can move it around if need be so moving the shed will be easy. But now I have more plum trees to remove so I’m thinking about that and will get started doing that soon.

Nice day.

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