Trail Cam Bobcat and a Ride In the Forest

Sunday August 18, 2024 Guerneville CA.

I didn’t have anything planned today.

I decided to go up into the hills and collect my cam cards to see if there’s anything interesting on them. I have the cams mounted up on the side of trees. They blend in well this way.cam1

This cam covers this area, a Y in the road.Y2

There wasn’t much on that cam but this one by my water pool  had something, a bobcat.kitty

After collecting the cam cards, I rode around the hills a bit, stopping at this overlook.view3

It overlooks the town of Guerneville.Guerneville

Then I rode over to a neighbor’s road I’m studying to work on later and checked it out to figure out what to do to improve it.

On the way back home, I ran into this downed tree across the road. It was small enough to push out of the way by hand.tree

Back home, I mostly took it easy. I did cut some more blackberry vines out of the yard.

Nice day.

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