Traveling From the Desert To the Plumas National Forest

Friday September 29, 2023 Traveling to Plumas National Forest CA.

Out the vans doors

This was the view out the doors when I got it going this morning on Willow Creek Reservoir.view1


That was worth another picture without the doors.view2


And some birds on the water.birds3


Traveling day

That’s what kind of day it was going to be. I had about two hours  of good dirt and gravel road to get to Winnemucca, Then, about three hours of traveling I80 west which is not my  kind of road.

I got gas for the van in Winnemucca and posted a blog.

I made it to the Pyramid Lake turn off and headed north on the worse rocky and wash-boardy road I’ve been on in a long time. There was over fifteen miles of less then ten miles an hour of real bad stuff.

The road did start out this way until I was about half way up the side of the lake.road4


I suffered through that nasty stuff. The gravel road did get better as I headed north west and stopped here to check the map and take a short break. The road still had some wash-board, but not near as bad as the bad one.road5


The road improved a lot as I got closer to highway 395 up near my destination, Janesville, CA.road6


I topped off the gas tank at Janesville and headed into the Plumas forest. Lots of the trees got burned a few years ago in a forest fire. This is the road I’m taking into the forest and is paved almost all the way to my camp spot, except for the last half mile.road7


But not all of the forest go burned and a lot of it is still green as far as the trees go.forest8


Base Camp

I pulled into what I call Base Camp and parked to have a look around.van9



I walked up the creek for a couple hundred yards. Looks good. I didn’t see the beaver.creek10


And down the creek looks good too. Lots of clouds. It’s might rain a bit tonight and as I’m typing, it’s starting to rain, just a bit. And it’s picking up, so maybe I’ll get the can washed.creek12


I moved the van into a spot I thought would be good to get some morning sun and had a nice view of the meadow and was mostly level., If that doesn’t work out, I’ll move it until it does. I can also see some of the creek from this spot.camped11



I plan to spend some time here in this forest, doing some stuff and taking it easy. I’m in need of some spring water, so I’ll be visiting the spring to fill up  my bottles. And I’ll be checking on some crawdads and maybe go for a yak up at Antelope Lake which is close by.

Nice day, except for the nasty wash-board stuff, but hey, if you don’t know what’s bad, how can you appreciate the good.

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