Tree Trimmers and a Ride In the Quiet Forest

Friday August 16, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Tree trimmers

Looks like it’s the day the power company tree trimmers are working in our area.

Two crews were working near my place that I could see from one of  my chairs, so I watched them for awhile.

This guy was the closest to me. He’s cutting out a big pepperwood tree that is too close to the lines.trees1

And I could also see this guy on the other side of my house cutting this big dead tree down in pieces.trees2

This guy was taking the tree down in sections and sliding them down the rope to the ground.cutting3

The other guy was getting his tree down. He’s using some kind of hydraulic chainsaw on an extension.cutting4

This guy is almost done cutting this one down.cut5

And the guy with the hydraulic saw is really making a lot of  saw dust. His crew was cheering every time a big one of these hit the ground. This crew was really excited about their work, more so then the other crew.sawing6

I used skiddy to pull this apricot tree out of the ground while I watched the tree guys.tree7

Blackberry vines

I got my hand trimmers and worked on getting the vines out of the way of this gate so I could go through it. I worked about an hour on it.gate8

I worked until I could get through the gate and that was enough to tire me out on that.gate9

Ride in the forest

By now, I was getting tired of hearing the tree trimmer guys chainsaws, so I hopped on the dirt bike and rode on up into the hills for some piece and quiet.

Dirty pond

I stopped by the pond. It’s all dirty for some reason, likely because some birds or an animal was taking a bath.pond10

I made it up to our break area and I sat and enjoyed myself for a bit.view11


I stopped to check out this water pipeline as it’s not flowing very well. Likely because it has very little fall. I may have to reroute it some time.pipeline12

I stayed up in the hills until it was late enough for the saw guys to go home then went on home.

Nice day.

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One Response to Tree Trimmers and a Ride In the Quiet Forest

  1. Jeff Pierce says:

    HA – a Hydraulic Chainsaw ??? You need a new toy ;)
    I have not heard of them, but dang I can get a nice one on Amazon!

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