Skiddy Does Some Work and I Plant a New Avocado Tree

Thursday March 21, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Skiddy Work

I had some tidying up to do in the area Barry and I were working in clearing for firewood cutting up in the forest. I figured Skiddy might do a better job than the dozer to do that so I headed up into the forest today on Skiddy.

Big Stumps

On the way I went past these two big stumps and knocked the one on the right down and off the road as it was barely hanging there and not real safe. I  left the other bigger one on the left as it seemed to be imbedded real well and was too large to move easily.stumps1

Firewood cutting area

I made it to the firewood cutting area and pushed some of the dead brush out of the way to open things up a bit.forest2

I pushed some brush off the road in this area that Barry had cut the other day and then worked my way home and got there around five thirty.skiddy3

I was a bit beat but still had one more thing to do.

Planting the avocado tree

Some rain is coming in tomorrow so I thought it would be a good idea to get the new avocado tree planted.

I got the wheelbarrow out and hauled some mulch to the spot to build a mound to plant the tree in. I’m planting the new tree right close to the old one to help in pollination.planting4

I made this hole in the pile of  mulch to plant the tree in.hole5

The tree is planted and I had some wire to put around it to help keep the chickens from digging all the mulch out. The circle of wire was a bit small for the mulch pile so I found a remedy.planted6

I used some of the smaller branches off the big avocado tree we trimmed yesterday to help keep the chickens out and I will add a little more of then later.avocado tree

I’m ready for the rains now, so let it rain.

Nice day.

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