Trimming Brush Along the Roads in our Redwood Forest

Sunday December 13, 2015 Guerneville CA.


I looked at the weather report today and they said it was going to be real windy down at Jenner, so I wasn’t sure what to do today. It was raining off and on here too, so I put some coffee on and just sat around a thought about it.

Around noon, I decided against the kayaking and decided to go for a ride up the hill on my quad runner instead. I rounded up my brush shears which I call loppers and put my rain gear on just in case and headed on up in the hills which is a redwood forest with other kinds of trees too.

With all the rain it was real wet out and everything was nice and clean smelling.

I rode through here looking for brush to trim along the roads.road2


I accidentally knocked this Boletus Mushroom out of the ground. It’s four or five inches in diameter and it looks like they are just starting to pop.mushroom


I took my time riding around and enjoying the wet forest going through here.road


I stopped here and cleared this brush off the road.brush


And here to clear this brush. It rained lightly some of the time.road3


Apples on the tree

After messing around up on the hill for a couple of hours, I headed on down the hill and saw one of the old apple trees which still had some apples on it. They were too high for me to reach so I pulled the bike up under the tree so I could stand on it to get some of those nice looking apples.quadapples


I picked four and left the rest. They are winter type apples, firm and sweet tasting. Hummmmmmm


As far as I know, most of our apple trees where planted by the famous guy from around here, Burbank. The story goes him and Armstrong were buddies that both promoted planting fruit trees on ranches in those days. These apples would have been planted sometime just before 1900.

I ate one apple and took the rest home to consume later.

Worked on the car’s water leak

After a break at home, I popped the hood of my car and tightened up the place where my water leak is to see if I get lucky enough for it to seal up. It wasn’t leaking very fast, so maybe this will help. At least I’ll be able to drive down to get another set of gaskets.

That was pretty much my day.

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