Trying To Catch the Neighbors At Home High In the Hills

Sunday August 21, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Ride up into the hills

I was going to take the dirt bike for a ride up to try and catch a neighbor that lives up on the hill tops for a visit.

Here’s a couple of drone shots to show where I rode the dirt bike and where the neighbor’s place is.

Drone shots

I rode on up this valley in the forest and then off to the right through those hills.hills2


And over to  the first grassy  hill top on the left. They live just over the other side of that hilltop.hilltops6


Their house is just up this road a bit.roadup


Almost there

I stopped and looked over the side of the road. Their  house is just up ahead in the trees there.ranch


And the view from there. I could see some fog trying to sneak in, up the river. Fog, off the ocean is our air conditioner, which keeps our temps fairly moderate. Unlike humidity, fog is cooling and not hot and sticky. It mostly comes in at night.fog



The guy I wanted to talk with was out on a bike ride and not around but his wife was and their grand daughter so we sat around and shot the bull for some time.

To the pond for a swim

Eventually Grandma took her granddaughter over to the pond for a swim so I headed on back to our place and rode the dirt bike around for some exercise.

Checked on the yellow jackets

Of course, I stopped to check on the yellow jacket situation and there was not one around. I walked the trail to the end and back just because it’s a nice trail and it’d give my older legs a good workout.

That all used up most of the day. I rode on home for a nap and that was it for me.

Nice day.

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