Turned Out to be a Computer Working Day

Friday, Apr. 19, 2013, Guerneville, CA.

Sometimes plans change

My brothers wife sent an email last night saying she wanted her computers hard drive erased of her personal stuff, so since I needed to go to Wal-Mart, which is near by, I said I’d stop by and do something about that.

So, off I went this morning to their house. They had the recovery DVD that put the computer back to factory, so I started the reinstall process. While this was doing it’s thing, my brother and I went to Wal-Mart for the four wheeler battery. Boy have batteries gone up in price, like most everything.

When we returned to the house, the computer had jammed in the install. That was ok, I just wanted to wipe the hard drive and that was done. From there I went to Steve’s house which wasn’t too far away and gave him that computer and showed him how to load the stuff on it. His computer also needed some work, so we also worked on that one, while the other one was downloading stuff.

Things weren’t going real well, but they did progress. While all this was going on, I also whet next door to his buddies house and worked on a Win8 problem with his computer. I was running back and forth between the two houses for awhile. I got his buddy all squared away and left Steve to finish the job.

I was thinking of doing a late kayak at Jenner, but when I got home the wind really picked up in the yard to gale force so I stayed home and was going to mow some weeds. I got the mower out and sat down, and you know what, the evening was so nice, I just messed around enjoying my yard and put that old lawn mower away.

That was pretty much my day.

Had a nice one.

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