Van’s Steering Box Adjustment and New Trail Cams

Wednesday September 6, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Steering box adjustment

The van’s steering wheel has a lot of slop in it and needs to have the steering box adjusted, so today was the day.

I got out a blanket and some tools and removed the belly pan to get to it.van1


Once I got the belly pan off, I decided to give my sore back and rest and take a break from that for awhile.

Headed up into the forest

I grabbed my cell phone and headed on up into the forest where I could get a cell signal at this spot and made a cell phone call and just took it easy up there for a bit.forest2


It was a nice day with a bit of a breeze. Most of the smoke has cleared out.sky3


I headed on home and when I got there, I realized I’d forgotten my phone up there where I was sitting, so I rode on back up there to retrieve the phone.

Trail improvements

While I was up there, I walked out a trail I want to work on this winter and studied what I will do to improve it to make a better trail for humans.

Then, back down to the house for a wee nap.

New trail cams

I checked the mailbox for the new cams and they had arrived. I’m hoping these will get much better night shots than my old cams. Only problem now is I’m out of batteries for these, but they are on the list to get some. I’ll have to remove some from one of the other cams for now.cams4


Battery charging

After that I put the battery charger on my Toyota and soon Tom came by with a battery out of his tractor that he said was twelve years old and was going bad. I had one in my old car that was almost new so I offered it to him. We put that battery on the charger too, with the Toyota. I have two battery chargers.charging6


Tom gave me some fresh out of the garden melons in return.melons5


Back to the steering box

I wanted to get that steering box adjusted before the day was out, so I got back at it and made the adjustment. A quarter turn seemed to do it.adjusting7


I drove the van down the road a bit to test it out and it seemed much better.

Now, all I had to do was get the belly pan back on. It’s fairly easy to do, but is a pain just the same.pan8


Maybe a hinge

Once I got the belly pan back on, I did some measuring to see  about putting a hinge on it to get into stuff easier without removing the belly pan. I think it can be done, but not  today, maybe next time I have to remove it, I’ll do it. pan9


Nice day.

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One Response to Van’s Steering Box Adjustment and New Trail Cams

  1. Nancy K says:

    Easier to drive is good. Wow … those are some nice looking melons. YUM!!!

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