Monday October 2, 2017 Guerneville CA.
Itchy day
I could tell by my itches it was going to be a slow type day. It seems I got into some sun burn a couple days ago which is making things rather difficult. I sure learned my lesson on that. Ouch.
The dam guys
Anyway, I needed some more skin cream so I headed to Guerneville. It was noon so as I passed the county yard I turned in as I knew the dam guys would be having lunch. These are the guys that put the lower river dams in and take them out every year.
Since they were having lunch we shot the bull until it was time for them to go back to work.
I took a few pictures to show some of what they do.
This is the yard where they have brought all the boards up from the two dams and laid them out. They then pressure wash them all and inspect them for any kind of damage.
All the boards are numbered so need to be stacked in the right place to use them next year.
They are picking up the pressure washed boards.
And sorting them in ordered piles to be ready to go next year.
I left then at it and drove on down to town to shop and went on home.
Chair hopping day
At home I mostly chair hopped around the yard today. Things are drying out and it’s starting to look like fall.
Checking out the Toyota gas tank
Later in the day I walked over to where Tom’s Toyota is parked as I wanted to look at the new gas tank installation. Between my yard and the family property I seem to put on a few miles most days just puttering around.
I was checking out the way the filler was hooked up.
Still a few apple on the tree
That done, I checked out the apple tree next to it. It has some apples but most were just out of reach. I found two low enough to ranch on a stretch. Very tasty.
Staying out of the sun
I figure it’s going to take about a week for this sunburn to calm down so I should try to stay out of the sun a bit, if possible.
That was my day.
4 plastic ties on the gas tank for clamps wow that must be a California thing
Now us New Englanders we would use a coathanger
Are the apples Granny Smith or Golden Delicious? If you are eating them and they are greenish I was wondering what they were.
Sorry about the sun burn, we do learn eventually!