Woodchips and I Repair My Rain Storm Damaged Roof

Monday February 17, 2025 Guerneville CA.


I was talking to Tom out in my yard this morning when we saw a woodchip truck pull up at his gate. Tom went over and showed the guy how to get into my yard.truck1

The guy dumped the load of woodchips in my yard and said he’d be back with another load later in the day.chips2

I’ll take as many woodchips as I can get as I like to use them around my yard for ground cover and help control the weeds. And the chickens love to scratch in them. They make good fertilizer too.

They don’t cost me anything as the guys are glad to get rid of them as otherwise they  have to drive a long ways to dispose of them. Works well for both of us.

Roof repair

My job today was to repair my house roof, as during the last big rain storms a strong wind gust tore my roof up a bit over my car port.roof3

I got out the tools I thought I’d need and got to work screwing down the metal panels. The wind blow one of the panels off and pulled up more of the panels. Most likely because I didn’t put enough screws in these pieces when I installed them, years ago.roof4

More chips

A bit later in the day, the woodchip guy returned and dumped another load of wood chips.woodchops5

Two piles of wood chips. I told the guy I’d take a lot more of them.piles6

Up on the roof, I was almost done screwing all the metal panels back down.roof7

The sun was setting to the west just as I finished up.sunset8

I put all the tools away and now I’m ready for the next rain storm that comes in.

Nice day.

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