Working on Another Water Spring and an Afternoon Paddle

Sunday June 29, 2014 Jenner CA.

Tapping another spring for water

My intentions this morning were to go up the hill and tap another spring for water. This one already had a tap, but there was a lot of water getting around the previous tap done several years ago.

This is the spring I was going to work on. I needed to dig it out and cut the black pipe off , so the water from it would drain into the new spring tap.spring


Here, I’ve dug it out, cut the black pipe off and installed the new spring pipe. I dug out the hole and made a clay dam which you can see part of in the picture.springdam


I then put a lot of rocks in the hole in front of the clay dam around the drain pipe to help to seal it in. I will likely put a layer of blue clay over these rocks to seal it up after I’m sure it’s all working properly.springwater


I then piped this spring into the main pipe that goes to the main tanks. For now, I’m just letting the water run out onto the ground to give it a chance to clean up after installing this spring. Eventually, I’ll put it all into our main water tanks at the bottom of the hill.

Stopped at my brother’s garden

I checked on some other springs on the way down the hill and then stopped at one of my brother’s gardens. My brother grows and sells under the name of Armstrong Valley farm. I found he had this zucchini patch, so I harvested a few for my


These are the three I picked for dinner. Nice and tender.zuccini


Break time and off to kayak

I went on home and had a shower to get the mud off of me and had something to eat and then went on down to Jenner to kayak for the rest of the day around three PM.

I saw Steve’s car in the parking lot, but didn’t see him anywhere, so headed down towards the river’s mouth.

I paddled along the north shore of Penny Island on the way down.view


There were some terns and seagulls on the west end of Penny Island as I went by.birds


A little walk on Penny Island

I decided to go for a little walk on Penny Island instead of going down to the mouth area.

The Island is getting a bit on the dry side. I walked into the middle of it and this was how it looked as I looked down towards the river’s mouth.island


Steve joins me

While  I was on the island I heard someone shout. I couldn’t see him, but knew it was Steve. I joined him and we headed up the back channel of Penny Island towards eagle’s landing.

The river was getting calmer all the time as we paddled at a leisurely pace along the shoreline.view2


A surprise at eagle’s landing

We were sitting here at eagle’s landing taking it easy when I heard a squawk up in the trees above us.jenner


I looked up in the trees and this is what it looked like. There is some kind of bird in there.eagle


Turned out to be a bald headed eagle, which was fitting as this was after all, Eagle’s Landing and that is certainly why it’s named that in the first place. I know, because I named it. :O)eagle2


Rat nest beach is as far as I want to go

Steve wanted to continue on up the river, but I was already bushed from the spring work. I said, ok, I’ll go up as far as rat nest beach, so we headed on up to that, which wasn’t very far.

This is the spot we sat at rat nest beach for awhile before heading back down the river.ratnest


Headed for the river’s mouth for sunset

It was getting late, the sun was going down soon. We paddled on down to the river’s mouth area to check out the sunset. The ocean was real rough and making a lot of noise as it pounded on the beach.

This is our view out the river’s mouth into the rough Pacific ocean as a wave crashes onto the rocks on the jetty. The river’s mouth is still wide open and deep.rivermouth



We stayed down at the end of the river until sunset.

The sun is going down as Steve and I sat in our boats in the water watching.sunset


We headed on back in for the day a little after the sun set and were off the water just after nine PM.

That was certainly a full day and I’m beat and ready for bed as soon as I get this blog published.

Nice day.

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