Chicken Coup, River Drive, Water Vault, and I Find My Lost Shirt

Tuesday May 23, 2017 Troy Oregon

More work on the chicken coup

After a leisurely cup of coffee this morning, I got the tools out and began my project for the day which was to put a small roof on the day coup. Sue said they had four feet of snow up here last winter, so I decided to add the sheet of wood to help protect the day coup from the winter snows.

I got my materials for the job together and began cutting boards and screwing them together.coup


In a couple of hours I had it done and it looks like this.roof


I put the tools away and cleaned things up a bit.

A drive up the river

After a break I drove on down the hill towards the town of Troy. I stopped and shot this photo over the side of the road of the town of Troy.troy


I was going down the hill and was going to take the road up along the Grande Rhone River to the right.river


Parked for a nap

I traveled seven miles up to the bridge and parked in the shade for a nap.

Looking down river from the bridge.raft


This is the bridge that I cross to get back to Troy.bridge


Troy bridge

Eventually I drove back to the town of Troy. This is the bridge in Troy that goes over to the school. It’s a walking only bridge. I parked here for a bit.troybridge


Water vault

On the way back up the hill I stopped here to check out the water vault where the house water comes from and is pumped up the hill to the house. The water vault is somewhere off to the right over the side of the road and I need to locate a trail to it.sign


I found the trail to the vault which went through these


There’s the vault where there’s a spring with a pump in it. It gets real cold here in the winter so one’s water source has to be protected from freezing.vault


I opened the lid on top and went down in to check things out and as far as I could tell everything looked ok. I made sure the winter heater was off and it was.

Still looking for my lost shirt

Back at the house I was thinking I should give finding my lost shirt I lost on a hike the other day one last shot which meant I had to walk to the barn again to try to locate it.

I decided to try a walk in the same direction I took last time from the barn hoping to stumble onto the shirt where ever I left it. Now if only I could take the same route as before.

I started up this road headed towards the barn.road


After a break at the barn I started trying to follow the same route which meant I needed to look where I checked out a spring by the barn.

Right where I left it

I didn’t go far when I spotted my shirt by the spring, right where I dropped it.shirt


I didn’t expect to find my shirt there as I thought I had it past this spot. But I over did it on the hike that day and was really pooped when I went through this area. At least the elk or coyote’s didn’t get it. :O)

I continued on hiking back to the house through here.trees


An elk ran off in front of me here as I head to the house up in the trees with my shirt.bench


Rap, rap, rap

I was sitting in my van when I heard a load rap on the metal gate in front of the van. I knew what that was as I’d heard it before in this area.

Some of the woodpeckers in this area like to rap on the metal gates as they make a lot of noise, for mating maybe.gatebird


That pretty much raps up my day for another nice one.

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2 Responses to Chicken Coup, River Drive, Water Vault, and I Find My Lost Shirt

  1. Upriverdavid says:

    Your shirt would have been easy to find if an Elk or Coyote was wearing it…I’d have let them have it…..Especially if they let you take a photo to share…….
    They don’t have pockets for cash at the local stores..I’ve service….

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Good job on the coop roof. A couple of nice bridges and I’m glad you found your shirt.

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