More Peeps Hatch and a Hike Up the Hill To Retrieve My Quad Runner Makes Me Realize My Age

Sunday June 23, 2019 Guerneville CA.

More peeps hatching

This morning when I went out to see how the chickens were doing this is what I saw. The momma on the right has six chicks. But what surprised me was the mamma on the left in her box. Looks like she’s been hatching out some new chicks and still is.mommas


You can tell  she’s hatching out chicks with the little ones in there and the broken egg shells out front.nestbox


They are born at different times. The one on the right looks like it just hatched. They tend to take some time once hatched to generate enough energy to move around. I think they sit around and digest the egg yoke until they can get around.peep



Here’s some more that were just born. By the way the momma chickens name is Gertrude or Gertie of short.nest



Here’s a couple of the new born having a look around.chicks


Hike to retrieve the quad runner


After taking care of the chickens I decided a hike was in order. I needed to retrieve the quad runner I left up in the hills the other day. I’ve needed the tools I left up there more than once in the last couple days so I needed to get it.

I started off up this trail which went up along a creek.trail


Still in the flats walking along.trail7


Family Remembrance area

I walked by what I will call the family remembrance area where my Mom and Dad and brother Dick are resting in peace in  their urns under the cross.bigtrees


I walked on through and looked back at that area.creek


Going up the hill

Continuing on I made it to where I had to start walking up the hill so the pace slowed down a bit as it was a warm day.road1


I made it to here but before walking up that road I refreshed first.road2


Drink of water

I got a nice drink of fresh spring water from this little creek. The waters good as up above it comes out of the ground where it’s collected and sent down to our water tanks for our houses.water



That road was fairly steep, but not as steep as this next one on up there.road3


I huffed and I puffed to get up to this spot where the quad runner is parked if you can see it.quad


Hopped on the machine, nice

It’s always nice to hop on a machine after a good hike up to it. I rode on down the hill back to my house where I needed a nap as the day was warm out.

Any distressed chicks

It was already late in the day after that nap. I went out and puttered around the yard and did some chair hopping and peep watching.  Because the little chicks are so small when they hatch they can squeeze through the one inch chicken wire so it’s good to check on them to see if any are in any sort of distress that they’ve gotten themselves into. They did good today and all stayed out of trouble.

Makes you realize

That was my day for a good one. Got some good exercise which is always good for an older guy. Unfortunately it also makes one realize just how old one is. :O)

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One Response to More Peeps Hatch and a Hike Up the Hill To Retrieve My Quad Runner Makes Me Realize My Age

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    You have so many peeps!! And more seem to keep coming!
    That would be a hike up there in the heat. Glad you made it and had some spring water along the way.
    That is a lovely spot, your Family Remembrance area with the chairs. Very nice, Bob.
    We also had a wonderful hot day. :)

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