Dozer, Culvert, a Bike Ride and a Mountain Lion

Thursday August 8, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Gate controller

I was expecting Barry and his buddy’s to come by for a dirt bike ride in the forest. They didn’t show up at the usual time so I worked on some stuff while waiting for them to show up.

I haven’t been able to get the automatic gate controller to work so I went out to take some measurements. They all looked good, so it’s still not fixed. I tried to call support on this, but the phone wait times were long, so I gave up on that for now.gate1

Dozer air cleaner

Then I rode up into the hills where the dozer was parked to install the cleaned air cleaner on the dozer, an easy job.dozer2

The air cleaner went together much easier than it came apart.filter3

Culvert repair

Then I rode the short distance to this culvert I’ve been working on and did some digging around the sides so I can measure for a piece to make and install to fix this. I studied  it to get a design on what I need to make to fix it.culvert4

Dirt bikes

As I was riding back, I  heard the motor bikes so caught up with the guys on the dirt bikes at this spring where they were getting a drink of water.spring5

Nothing like a drink of fresh spring water.drink6

I told them I’d take Hondo home and get my dirt bike and join them, which I did. I caught up to them and we rode around a bit, then made it up to our break area for a break.bikes7

Another nice view for another nice day up in the hills.view8

After a good break we rode around some more then headed back to my place and they took off for their home.

Culvert repair tank

I had this old water pressure tank out in my yard, so I rolled it back to the shop so I can work on it.tank9

I plan to cut it in half to fit the culverts up in the hills. I think it  might be strong enough to do the job. If not, I can double it up. So now I have to  mark it and cut it up, but not today.shkop10

Trail cam

While I was up in the hills I picked up the trail cam card at the Y. Some foxes and deer and this shot of the mountain lion. I think this is a female with cubs

I wonder what the people in Guerneville would think if they knew a mountain lion was so close to town?

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Dozer, Culvert, a Bike Ride and a Mountain Lion

  1. KennyD says:

    Probably not the only one.

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