A Paddle Before the Rains Come With Ray and the River’s Mouth Closes Up From a Rough Ocean

Wednesday November 38, 2018 Jenner CA.


Yesterday it drizzled lightly most of the day so I mostly stayed in the house. I have lots of house work to do but it’s not my favorite thing to do. I did a bit and mostly just took it easy all day and was too lazy to write a blog.


Some more rain was coming in tonight and tomorrow and the weather guys were showing low wind at Jenner today with maybe some showers so seemed like a good idea to go down for a paddle.

As I approached the town of Jenner it was drizzling real lightly so I decided to drive on down to the overlook to have a look.

Looking over the overlook

The ocean was fairly rough and had blown sand up into the river’s mouth and closed it. What you see is ocean waves blasting over the sand bar behind the old jetty. River water is not going out into the ocean.ocean1


Mouth is closed

Here’s a closer look at the water blowing over the sand bar. The ocean waves bring in the sand when it gets rough and it closes up the river’s mouth. Lots of birds and harbor seals resting down there on the sand.mouth2


Paddle or not

It was still drizzling lightly so I drove on back to the boat ramp to decide if I should go out for a paddle or not. Ray’s truck was in the parking lot and it was barely drizzling so I put my boat in the water and parked the car.

I figured I might as well try to catch up with Ray so knowing where he mostly paddles I paddled across the the river to Penny Island here and crossed over to the other side of the island through this little channel to see if I could spot Ray coming up the back channel.island3


There’s Ray’s boat

Here’s the back channel and sure enough Ray is coming up the right side along the island. Not easy to see him even though he has a yellow boat.ray4


We met up and continued on up the river along it’s edge going slow and taking it easy. The day turned out real nice.river5


We made it almost up to muskrat but crossed over the river just before we got there and started our paddle back down the other side towards the town of Jenner.jenner7


We paddled by this great blue heron.heron8


It didn’t like us and took off with a big squawk.heron9


We paddled along here almost back to Jenner.jenner10


Ocean’s gotten rougher

As we crossed over to Jenner we could see the ocean waves breaking over the jetty so we decided to drive on down to the overlook to have another look before heading home.

Here’s what it looked like from our boats looking down towards the ocean where the mouth is. Those reeds are on Penny Island.ocean11


Looking up the river

Here’s looking up the river from the overlook by the mouth.overlook12


We watched the ocean waves pounding for a bit. It looked like it piled up more sand while we were out kayaking closing up the river even more. Those are just ocean waves breaking over the sand bar you see and the mouth is mostly closed. I say mostly because fish can still come into the river on the waves that break over the sand bar.waves13



Back home I got something to eat then went out and took care of the chickens.

I let them out  to graze just before dark for about an hour.chickens


As the chickens went in to roost for the night I went in and had a nap, sorta like a roost.

After dark the rains came and it’s raining fairly good right now.

That was my day.

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