A Ride Out the Elk River Road to the Town of Powers

Friday February 6, 2015 Arizona Lodge Oregon

It was raining as I got woke up this morning, so I stayed in bed for a bit longer before I got up. The plan for the day, since it was raining, was to take a ride up the road that goes up into the forest at Elk River, which is the first river North of Port Orford.

Steve was already up when I joined him at the lodge. Once he got it going, we headed up the highway to Port Orford and turned onto the Elk River road. The sign said 62 miles to a little town called Powers.

There was no particular reason we were going to Powers, except it was on the road from Elk river. The road was one of those roads that go up into the forest that is not maintained in the winter.

When we first started out on the road, we ran into a small rock slide where we had to move some rocks to get through. And we ran into quite a few little mud slides like this one along the way.slide


This was the most interesting thing on the road, a big boulder.rock


Eventually, the paved road stopped and it turned to gravel. We got lost several times, but the GPS got us back on the right road. We took our time enjoying the scenic forest road, with lots of water running in the creeks and rivers.

We pulled into this little lake and had some lunch. Here is Steve crushing a can in front of the little lake, which was more of a pond.lake


With Steve being a fisherman, we had to stop often and check out the creeks and rivers. Steve’s checking this one out. Too muddy to fish.river


And a bit fast for my kind of kayaking.water


We stopped at this campground called Rock Creek. That’s the main road we were traveling. Still raining.rockcreek


62 miles on one of these kinds of roads takes most of the day. We finally came to the small town of Powers. We were just pulling into town here.power


It wasn’t long before dark, so we took the highway north and came back to the ocean on a major highway and got home around 6:30, just after dark, still raining.

The rain kept me from taking many pictures today. I think we have about three more days of rain in this series and then we have to wait until the rivers go down enough to boat them, so we’ll find some more stuff to do until that time.

That was it for another day.

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