A Walk and Seals and Birds Paddling Around Jenner

Thursday April 24, 2014 Jenner CA.

But first, I had to go to my dentist for a cleaning and check up and after that, I headed down to Jenner to paddle for the day.

There was a real light fog moving in and out at Jenner when I got there and the wind  was down. I put my boat in the water and crossed over the river to the east end of Penny Island and went on down the back channel of the island.

Near the west end, I ran into Ray, John and Steve in their kayaks. We headed back up the river.

A couple of cormorants and a seagull we passed on an old redwood log.cormorants


A little walk in the swamp

We put ashore just past the island for a little walk. Steve catches poison oak, so he continued on up the river a ways where we’d meet him later.

This is the spot we put ashore for a little walk at swamp rock trail.kayaks


We walked on in and ran into some water, that’s why it’s called a swamp. Later in the year the water will dry up and we can hike this trail.swamp


So, I showed them the little pond in the area. It dries up later and becomes a little protected grassy area. This little pond is the last part to dry up.pond


So, on the way back they were wondering around and I said, ok, find the trail back out, only because I’ve had a hard time finding it in the past.

They were looking for the trail to get back to our boats in this one.swamptrail


Well, they didn’t find it and where I thought it was, wasn’t, but I’d been in this situation before here, so I found it shortly and we went on back to our boats.

We continued on up the river to Eagle’s Landing where we met back up with Steve.

Here is Ray, paddling along in the Eagle’s Landing area.ray


We hung around that area for a bit, before heading back down the river.

John, Steve and Ray paddling along leaving the Eagle’s Landing area.steve


Steve and I left John and Ray at the take out and continued on down towards the river’s mouth area.

This Great Blue Heron was doing a good job fishing away on Penny Island as we pasted, catching one little fish after another, but stopped to check us out as we passed.heron


There were a bunch of terns on the west end of Penny Island, just resting.

Some of the terns and a seagull.terns1]


The river’s mouth area

Down by the river’s mouth there were a bunch of people on the beach checking out the mouth action. Thought they might be school kids, but it was after five PM, so just some people watching.

Seals and people beached at the river’s mouth.mouth


We continued on down to the very end of the river where the dead seal was. The Turkey Vultures and a couple of Ravens were dining there.deadseal


We paddled back over by the mouth and this momma seal and her pup beached right in front of us.sealpup


And these two pelicans landed too, to do some preening and cleaning.pelicans


Another Momma Seal and her Pup surfaced right by us.sealpup3


Caught in the rain

After awhile we headed back up the river and Steve wanted to go back up to Eagle’s landing , so I said ok and we headed for it. But before we cleared the east end of Penny Island a light rain started and it didn’t look like it was going to stop, so we changed our minds and went to the boat take out.

Another nice day.

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