Another Day at the Bill William’s River Launch Area

Tuesday February 25, 2014 Bill William’s River, AZ.

When I woke this morning, I was glad to find my ankle wasn’t hurting as much as it did last night. Last night, it hurt so much even the covers felt bad on it.

But this morning, the ankle had settled down a bit. I tore something on the left side of the left ankle. I can put my weight on it, but I have to be careful not to tilt it or it hurts big time.

Now, what to do today?

Seems the best thing to do would be to stay off the ankle as much as possible. The best way to do that was to go out in my kayak and stay in it for most of the day. That only meant that I’d stress the ankle putting the boat in the water and getting into it. Once I was in, I should be ok and I was. The only other problem I might have is getting out of the darn thing after being in it most of the day. I decided to take my chances.

This was my last night’s campsite. The darn little stool  that messed me up, is in this pic. Actually, I’m the one that messed me up. :O)camp


I got up and got going and headed to the launch area. I  had to carefully put my boat in the water. And yes, there were some ouches and hurts to my  ankle too, but I got it done and was in the water.

Instead of going up the river, I decided to go to the left of the launch ramp and check out the cove I saw over there from the road.

On the way, I saw these people fishing from this dock thing so I decided to go behind them to keep out of trouble.

As I approached the two men both hollered, “Outside the buoys”. They seemed to be a bit grouchy. I explained to the ladies that I was going behind them which is the way I’ve learned to go by fishermen to keep out of trouble, and that’s what I did, explaining to the ladies as I went on by.

Now, those guys didn’t have to be such grouches and could of just as well said, Good morning, nice day, which is what I did. Some people just like to mess up their own day.

That’s the dock they were fishing from.grouch


Usually small motor less boats do not follow the same rules as boats with motors on them. In other words, my little boat doesn’t have to stay outside the buoys.

I passed them by and turned the corner into  the cove and this is my view.cove


I saw this little grebe doing some splashing as I went by and later when I looked at the pics of it, I saw it had a crawfish that was almost as big as it was.grebedad


I passed this big dock that was turned over. Looks like someone wasn’t paying attention to water levels and it got away from them.dock


The cove that I checked out was real rocky looking, with some caves too.birdness


There was a Great Blue Heron on top of one of the rocks as I went on by.heron


The area was rather scenic.cove3


I paddled around there checking it out, then went across the lake following the buoys that mark the Bill William’s Refuse all the way across the lake.buoys

This little duck came close to me. I think it might be a Golden Eyed Duck.duck2


After following the buoys across the lake, I went into this little cove on that side of the lake and dallied for awhile.marsh


There was a Great Egret watching  me from the shoreline.egret

From there I worked my way back across the lake to the launch ramp where I  carefully got out of my boat. I made it, but it did hurt a bit.

Then the task of putting the boat back on the van. Adding fifty pounds to that hurt ankle packing the boat to the van hurt a bit too, but I persevered and got the job done, with maybe five or six ouches.

I then drove back down to Quartzsite to the Library and posted yesterdays post and then went over to check in with Patti and Marty to see what’s going on?

Seems we are going on a jeep excursion to the Eye of the Needle, up above Parker. That’s where I was today. The Eye is an  interesting place, if you haven’t been there, you are missing something of interest in the area, which I’ll show you tomorrow.

The ankle is doing fairly good considering everything. I’m going to have to try to take it easy on it for awhile which is going to be hard, since I’d planned to do some hikes. I guess I’ll just have to be real lazy for awhile, I hope it gets better soon.

Nice day, even with a hurt ankle.

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