Bridge Repairs and a Nice Ride In the Hills

Saturday April 1, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Broken Bridge work

I started out the day working on the old bridge repairs. I thought I would only work on it for a few hours and then go for a dirt bike ride up in the hills,……………But.

Around 4, I was still working on it and thinking I need to get going on that dirt bike ride as it was misting lightly now.

I finally got done what I wanted to get done today around five and put the tools away and quit for the day.

I let the chickens out in the front yard to graze. I noticed they were in the periwinkles grazing away as I rode by on the dirt bike  headed for the hills. I did put on my rain jacket, just in case.chickens2


Drink at the spring

I headed up the hill and stopped at our main spring to get a drink of water and to see how it was doing. With all the rain we’ve had this year, it was doing real well. That’s a two inch pipe running pretty full, at least for now. It will slow down a bit as the summer progresses.water5


Ridge top view

I made it up to the ridge top and this was what it looked like. Misty, just little tiny drops.sky6


I rode on and had to stop here to move that little fir tree out of my way.tree8


And rode on up this old road on my cousin’s place, headed for the top.trail10


This was the view at the ridge top. The mist is starting to turn to a light drizzle so I’m thinking of working my way home.drizzle11


As I rode on down the hill a bit, the drizzle turned to a mist again as I rode on through here.trail12


This downed old rotten tree stopped me on this road. I turned around and went another way.tree13


I was pretty sure the Talking Trees Trail was clear so I took that. The trees only talk when the wind blows hard enough which it wasn’t doing today. Instead it was nice and peaceful.trail14


Low roar

I stopped here to check out the creek over to the right. As I stopped the bike, I heard a low roar from the creek so I followed the sound and checked out what was making the noise.bike15


It turned out to be a small waterfall in the creek.creek16


Back home

I  made it home. The mist had stopped as I parked the dirt bike in the shed. It’s filling up fast.shed17


I sat in one of my chairs here and enjoyed the evening.hopping19


Nice day.

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4 Responses to Bridge Repairs and a Nice Ride In the Hills

  1. Judith says:

    Oh. Water from the sky and water along the trail. So nice. The spring has me filled with envy. But as you actually appreciate it….well, I’ll just have to get over it. My idea of heaven though.

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Nice shed!
    The Talking Tree Trail looks so inviting.

  3. Patsy Irene says:

    Nice shed!
    The Talking Tree Trail looks so inviting.

  4. Nancy K says:

    Nice trails to ride. There’s nothing like sitting under cover of the shed you just built, listening to the rain.

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